
Mar 10, 2004 11:58

Yeah..oh am I ever exhausted. Life has been treating me pretty well lately, though, so I'm not complaining.

My mock trial team won Regionals!! First place baby!! So that was really really exciting. Lots of screaming and jumping up and down involved. I am very proud of our little team..we've come SUCH a long way since last year.

Other then that...I'm so behind in school and I'm freaking OUT! My grades are crap. But oh well..life goes on....ob la di!

Wow...OMG OMG OMG...I can NOT believe that I am now officially in my fourth quarter of my senior year. It's a;most over!!! I'm terrified yet exhilarated at the prospect of being done with high school. It's overwhelming!!

All this excitement at almost being done with high school has made me ponder over all the things I have missed out on in high school. After The Miaracle Worker was over, eveyrone was SO excited about it..going to the shows, hanging out at rehearsals, hanging out after the shows, just generally having a heck of a lot fun being involved with the show, and it got me thinking...I will never have that experience of being involved with a high school show. I wish I could have teched or been involved in some way... But these thoughts about those little things I've missed, those experiences I'll never have, have made me think a lot and put a little damper on things lately. Such is life, though.

I love my friends..it's just hit me lately, also, how much I love each and every one of them. They're the BEST! What will I do without them next year. Scary times.

OH I am SO excited...I get to go to gorgeous Gonzaga...my future home...in April. They have this get to know each other weekend where you sleep over in the dorms and get to meet prospective students and the faculty, and I get to go. Yay!!

OH and Hairspray is coming up relatively shortly!! Yeee-hawwwww!!! Can I wait? No!!! I am SO excited to see it. And Urinetown in May! I can't wait.

Well...that's about it.
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