Back at School

Jan 12, 2005 15:46

SO gotta say...I was a little apprehensive about coming back to school. In fact...I couldn't sleep very well thoe last couple of nights at home. Just as I hit that point of half sleep that I had eagerly anticipating for the past couple hours, thoughts would pop into my head. I would start worrying that this semester would be just like the last. I would be hurt and lonely. I wouldn't be able to handle school.

But so far being back has actually been good. I was ok with leaving my friends for a time...knowing that I had wonderful memories from Christmas break to take back with me. I had an amazing last night home; Ashley surprised me by coming over with almost everyone still in town, and we talked and laughed and took a late night walk. There was a Cold Stone run, and just random hanging out in driveway. So, with this contented feeling, I was able to leave and be ok with it.

My first day back at the dorms turned out be good too. I saw everyone, and there were excited greetings and lots of hugs involved. I got dinner with Anne and Stewart, and then we took a walk to Safeway in the ridiculous snow...about four inches. After the walk, eveyrone else got back from Perkins, where they decided to eat dinner, and we just talked and had fun catching up.

Yesterday was was my first day of classes. None of them seem unmanageable. Then it was more hanging out. We celebrated Stewart's birthday...Anne made him cupcakes and some of us went out to Aki's...this little SUshi bar place. It was good. Stewart had a little diffulty finding a place to park, which made for some laughs. He was happy as a clam with his suchi, and we all footed his bill as a birthday present. When I got back, I watched Gilmore with Rory and Julie and Matt (Rory's Boy Toy). After that...there was a long talk with Sarah and Donut Matt until 3 AM. We just talked about things...mostly relationships and Sarah's experiences in Bolivia (she was a foreign exchange student there for her whole senior year in highschool). It was nice...I haven't had an in depth conversation with Sarah in quite a while. Then it was off to bed. I was sooo soo tired by that point.

Today's classes were ok. I'm a little worried about l'italiano. But it's definitely doable. The only class I am slightly terrified of is my Research Methods in Psych class. The tests are all essay format...which can be good or bad. But the actually class is cake compared to the freakin lab. WE are separated into groups of four and we have to come up with our own experiement and write and a paper on it. Isn't this what you do when you go for your PhD?! Holy hell. But I'm sure I can handle it...and it's not an upper division course, so this experiment he's expecting to conduct mustn't be extremely difficult. It sounds like he really walks you through it, too. So *crosses fingers* maybe I can get a good grade out of that class. The lab part of the class is only one it isn't weighted that heavily. I got through Xavier, right? I can get a good grade in this class.

Goal: Kick butt this semester so my GPA is high enough to go to Florence junior year!!!!! I can do it...I just know it.

I really am so happy that all my apprehensions have been relieved. I'm enjoying things here so far...and I couldn't be more satisfied. :)
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