The Incredibles Was Incredible!!!!!!

Nov 15, 2004 21:08

This past weekend turned out to be quite eventful and fun. Much needed after that period of grossness I just went through. It was nice having a fun eventful weekend again. I went to Mark's birthday shin dig on Friday. We went to eat at The Sawtooth Grill...yummilicious. We walked there, it was quite cold and my footsies hurt. Well worth it though. After eating, we headed over to the Symphony. It was Mendelssohn. Beutiful...I loved it. After that, Daniel, Mark, his girlfriend who was here visiting, Pam, Jake, Katie and I all went to get ice cream at Safeway and came back. We spent a while just hanging out talking. It was good times.

On Saturday, we all went to see The Incredibles. Fabulous movie. I loved it. Yay for Disney/Pixar!!! It was so so funny. afterwards Reid comes up the steps to wherewe were all sitting and says "Is there any doubt that that was the best movie I've seen like EVER!" It was sooo funny. After that we all went back and ordered pizza and played pool.

On Sunday, there was te Dillon/Goller Hall dinner. None of us were very excited to go, but decided to anyway. We mad eit fun though. We made a sculture out of butter balls. It got so disgusting, but it was so funny. Then we harrassed Ross until he came and looked at the creation. At the end out dinner, Brianna set the lovely sculture on his table next to him. lol

SO yeah...that was the extent of my fun weekend.

Now it's back to school...I'm so screwed in that area by the by. Oh well.
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