Our Return to Mill

Aug 18, 2004 23:16

Today was a lot of fun. I went over to ASU and got to see Alex and Dan's dorm room, and hung out with them and Emily during the afternoon. We also ran into Trevor, which was fun, and saw his dorm room. The stairwell in Mansi smelled yucky, I must say, but it seemed pretty nice otherwise. Sadly, I didn't get to see Cassy's or Jessie's rooms. We went with the boys to get their mailboxes, and took some pictures of Dan's mailbox. they're so cute and little, and just goofed off and laughed a lot. We also visited the ASU bookstore, which was fun, and laughed at the rumors about Mansi actually being published in a legit guidebook to ASU.

After much goofing off, we went on a high-speed thrill ride in Trevor's car over to cassy's dorm, Mariposa. We didn't go to her room, though. We just met Megan, Christian, Mike, Jessie, Malia, and June there and headed over to Chili's to meet everyone else. Chili's was awesome...we had a huge group...the biggest it's ever been. We had to eat inside and be split up, though, due to stormage...which kind of sucked. After dinner, we all went to Cold Stone, and then it was off to Alex's dorm again. I rode with June and Emily over there, and we had a hilariously fun run in the rain over to the front of Mansi cause we had to park in a lot that was kind of far away. Em totally wiped out, and we got drenched...good times. :) We had issues once we got there, though. Only three guests allowed per person. So I went home. Said goodbye to June who is leaving on Friday!! It'll be quit a while, then, before I see her, cause I doubt I will get to see her tomorrow.

Looking forward to/kind of dreading Saturday. It'll be the last time, realistically, that I will see most of my friends for a very long time since I'm leaving next Thursday. I'd like to think that maybe we can get together before I leave and before everyone else leaves (with the exception of Em, Megs, and the ASU people)...but probably not. It makes me very sad. :(
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