Aug 17, 2004 14:27
when i was about 14, i met a beautiful, wonderful, gentle spirit. she picked me randomly out of about 30 people to have someone to talk to at school, it was a miracle in the making. she introduced me to a group called Alateen. it is the best place you could go to be with the people who understand you & your situation (whatever it may be) the most. i stepped in a shy, quiet, scared little teen. i shared just fine, and i listened just fine. i never got into any service work... i went for a good amount of time, don't even remember how long i went until i slipped away. i left the program behind... although i did not lose it. it was inside me still. i slipped and started drinking every night at bars.. i had the money so who cares right? well i started noticing how i started falling into my dad's shoes (who would be my qualifier for the program). i would drive home, or somewhere else, drunk and not remembering how i got home. the friend whom i went to bars with got worse than i did. she wouldn't even care how i felt about it, or care about how much i cared for her. it got so bad, it drove her to getting a DUI. i knew that i had gone outta control... then another miracle happened. i ran into an old friend from alateen, who lives in pasadena, at a show. we talked and he told me how him and a bunch of the old alateen crew had started sponsoring alateens. i went to the nearest meetings for a whole week, went to a convention, and got into service work.
now out of the years i was in program, i learned stuff, but not as much as i have in the past year.
the past year i have been sponsoring the same group my friend and i were in when we were alateens. it was truly a blessing for this to happen. it has helped me to learn from myself, my mistakes, and the alateens. they are such a wonderful group i couldn't ask for a better one. i will always be there for them NO MATTER WHAT. here i am going on my 9th year in the program today and a full year of sponsoring in October. i am so thankful for every bit of this past year, and the program, and the kids. and trying to keep the faith, don't let someone ruin your faith cuz they don't believe in your beliefs or they talk down to you about it.
Keep the love a flowin'