YOOOOOOOO it's 2005!!!!!

Jan 01, 2005 09:00

So yeah, for the fiftieth time in the past few hours, Happy New Year. It's already 2005, don't know where my year went :(. 2004 was extremely special for me and my friends but it was also a rocky year for me....many times I wish to forget, many people I wish to forgive, a lot of getting sick, a WHOLE LOT OF STRESSSS and dammit a LOT OF PARTYING!!!! hahhaha j/k. I graduated, I spent a WHOLE YEAR single (did mingle, but nothing serious lol), I rushed a sorority, I got a new car, I cut A LOT of people out of my "friends" category, and w/e many other things...2004 is now in the past and I'm really hoping that 2005 will bring a lot of changes for me. Maybe I'll finally get my year of happiness and peace. I didn't celebrate the coming of 2005 with as much fun as I was hoping for but *nevertheless* I spent it with those I love, my BEST (and only) friends, and with many new memories. I spent the night with Kori, Kari, Nick, Cristy, Chris A. and some family at my house...it was boring at first and then it got funner. We chit-chatted while watching the countdowns and did a lil karaoke :) It was chill....just like I want my new year to be. Thanks to those that came...*muah*
Thursday I went out with Chris (I love u my lil sexual chocolatey chrissy poo poo) hehe. We went to Life. It was really fun and I got to see some of the girls that were in the sorority I was in (I miss them so much) :(. Chris is really fun to go out with and he was very attentive of me which was really nice of him. Thanks for driving me and for paying attention to me all night and not abandoning me with any weirdos to harrass me lol. Luv ya!!
Anyway...I'm REALLY looking forward to this upcoming weekend (my last weekend to party b4 I start school again). My next semester in college is gonna be EXTREME. Lots of credits, and I'm also going to work so I won't be having fun anymore for a couple of months lol. This weekend is our rent and I really want to enjoy it....so excited!!

My Resolutions:
*To really apply myself in school and completely focus this up-coming semester. This semester will be the deciding factor on whether I continue Pre-Med.
*To go to sleep earlier, and rise earlier.
*To spend more time on productive things (being online is NOT productive).
*To start a work-out plan again (yeah, the one that lasted 1 week in the beggining of my Fall Semester).
*To play my piano, write, and sing more.
*To take more pictures (in general, not of myself).
*To get over my ex.
*To try to get along better with my mother.
*To try and help my mom more around the house (She's very stressed and depressed and I know she needs me).
*To start my portfolio (many won't understand yet, it's a secret).
*To stop wasting money!!!!
*To call my *true* friends more often.
*To weed out the "bad friends".
*To stop cursing.
*To read my Bible more often ( I really need God in my life again).
*To dance Salsa again.
*To not worry about having a boyfriend (I have my whole life ahead of me!)
*To take more care of my personal appearance (ahh, shut up those that think I'm ALREADY plastic).
*To appreciate the "simple things in life" more.
*To spend more time outside.
*To spend more time with my doggy.
*To love myself more.
*To learn to ignore my stepdad.
*To travel (even more).
*To try to become closer to my brothers. (I love them a lot and worry about them a lot although they don't always know it).

I'll remember the rest later....prolly won't keep half, but it's worth the try. I'd be a much better person if I'd keep at least half...
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