Nov 20, 2004 22:09
so.. here's how it goes.. some may say different.. but .. thats cause they're fuck heads.. h-ok.. so..
boy meets girl
boy hangs out with girl for a few days and acts like he wants something more than just friends with her
boy gets what he wants
boy goes out with girl for about 2 months until he gets bored with that idea and decides to make up some lame ass excuse to leave her..
boy still comes over and visits...(to get some)
boy then makes about 4,000,000,000,000 new girl "friends" just friends obviouslu.. cause men dont just want sex..
boy then fucks with girls head and makes her miserable whenever he is gone
boy visits and makes her feel great , but then proceeds to go anddo the exact same fucking thing to every other girl he knows
meanwhile.. girl sits on her fucking computer with no life typing out this god damn story while she contemplates her very existance on this earth....
girl also wonders hy she keeps giving in and trying to make boy happy and wonders why, with all theese wonderful female friends, he isnt already happy..
omg i just fucking remembered...
boy has had everything handed to him his entire life.. and doesnt know what it;'s like to have to work for something... being so .. boy doesnt know what it's like to have what you have worked so hard to EARN taken away in one fucking second... such is life...
wow this must be my longest entry yet... woot .. go me... and with this i leave you.. ..for how long.. no one truly ever knows...parting is such sweet sorrow....