BTW, I have written 4700 words of the On/Tae thing which I am calling Ready or Not, and I'm still not finished. They are being uncooperative. And writer's block needs to go suck an egg. *sighs*
So now it is time for a picspam.
This pic is for
lady_hanaka cause Chul babes looks like a fighter/ninja/assassin type dude in this pic.
and this gif is for
sujuhigh cause I know her bias. *eyebrow wiggle* plus bonus Wookie being snuggly.
and this pic is for my pal
cablackwood cause I know she'll laugh like i did when i saw it.
and the rest is under ze cut,
this right here is Chul's hand. Proof he has hands and nails like a girl.
Dear Jinki, please stop making sex faces in public, love Taemin.
Because they make Taemin fall off the couch like this.
But you can hug him all you want.
Dancing is allowed too
But this...this is strictly prohibited
We won't even discuss the arm issue right now.