I have a strong music and choral background - most of my best high school moments happened in chorus and involved with chorus. I was raised on musicals and music and singing. Both my mother and her sister were singers on the radio back in the 50's and both of them were in glee club through college - so you could say I just can't help but love Glee. I got tired of it for a while when it became such a Kurt and Blaine all the time show.
Don't get me wrong, I believe, with all my heart, that love is love and the sexes or organization of the people in love should be immaterial to the fact love exists.
At any rate, Glee recently did this song - original from Kelly Clarkson and I just love it and the whole concept of the Trouble Tones. so here it is. also there's a rumor I heard that SHINee is coming back and zomg I can't wait, xoxoxoox
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