Dec 15, 2005 19:18
Ok so heres the run down today it decdied to snow and need i tell you again i hate snow! But it was really pretty coming down caleb and i were planning on going x-mas shopping to finsih up but then justin gave me though the whole " i care about you to much to go out in this weather" stupid sad eyes so with that i told caleb we'd go shopping tomorrow on our "snow day" ok crossing my fingers on that one. Cleaning off our cars now that was fun ok so the whole cleaning off part wasn't but the snowball fight sure was mind you basically everyone was having one it was alot of fun. While being depressed about not being able to g shopping i had a huge itche t go play out in the snow lucky caleb did too so we went over to katies house and had a blast with katie, morgan, tyler, caleb & myself. But the whole "lets tackle sarah game" wasn't fun so therefor i'm soar and idk but yet at the same time really happy because i just had so much fun i must say though i forgot what it was like to play out in the snow oh buddy was that ever fun my goal this year is to yet go sledding so let me know when someone is going i'm dieing to go!!!! well i have homework to do and yes i've still got my fingers crossed for that snow day have a good one!