What I Wish I'd Known Sooner

Aug 29, 2006 18:41

  • Don't drink grape juice while wearing a white shirt and driving to school.
  • Don't let your life wait for other people.
  • Dropping a cellular phone into a bathtub of water kinda kills the phone.
  • Your mother will find out if you dye your hair purple.
  • You haven't really lived until you've gotten a 48 on an Advanced Placement U.S. History test.
  • Don't ever fall in love with someone who is more than one thousand miles away from you. It usually doesn't work.
  • Milk crates make boring pets.
  • If it hurts, DON'T DO IT AGAIN!
  • That which does not kill you will ultimately make you stronger.
  • Speaking in public gets easier with practice.
  • Don't sprint around a pool if you're trying to impersonate Jim from Huck Finn.
  • Ten years from now most of what we freak out about won't make any difference.
  • All that's gold doesn't glisten.
  • Zits always pop up when you really can't afford for them to pop up.
  • Always stay after class because that's where connections are made.
  • When in doubt, duck. When certain, don't bother, 'cause you're already screwed.
  • While driving a car through a gate, always, ALWAYS make sure the gate is open! The consequences might be fatal to your car.
  • If you're not living (I mean really living), you're dead already.
  • Never pierce your belly button in the dark.
  • Just because someone flirts with you incessantly doesn't necessarily mean he or she likes you.
  • If your calculus teacher tells you to quit talking after a test or he'll give you a zero for your test grade, he means it. Really.
  • Sometimes smart people can do very, very stupid things.
  • Being nice to people will get you far.
  • The one person you can truly love is often right in front of you.
  • Never, ever, EVER let a member of the opposite sex make you compromise your standards. Never.
  • Nothing is ever too good to be true (said by Michael Faraday).
  • If you start to like a girl, her roommate will immediately start liking you.
  • Parents aren't around forever, and you need to treasure them while they are.
  • Don't take the SAT twice if you already have a good score in the first place.
  • Never do something if the risk is greater than the reward.
  • Think carefully before you act.
  • Dreaming and doing go hand in hand.
  • Life moves fast, but not so fast that you can't slow down to enjoy it.
  • Instead of waiting for life to get better, do something about it.
  • You REALLY should do what needs to be done NOW, and not later. Procrastination is the easiest way, but not the most profitable.
  • If your intuition is telling you not to do something, then don't. Your intuition is not stupid!
  • Cereal is a vital staple food for all college students. Who cares how ridiculous you look eating it at 7:30 pm?
  • If he doesn't respect you, then he's not worth any of your time.
  • Learn to play an electric guitar: young women really dig it.
  • Don't juggle knives unless you're really, really good at it.
  • If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then give up. No sense being ridiculous about it.
  • Sticking things up your nose isn't the smartest idea in the world.
  • You can't light fireworks in the basement and not get caught.
  • Hair is flammable. Very flammable.
  • Never ever trust your friend with a pair of scissors against your hair.
  • Dyeing hair strawberry blond that is already strawberry blond makes it turn strawberry pink.
  • White dogs and black pants don't mix.
  • God doesn't make junk!
  • Someday you will look back on this and it will all seem funny.
  • You never know when you're making a memory.
  • The heart does heal and you will love like this again - except that when you do, you'll deny that you ever loved like this before.
  • Nothing matters if you don't have loved ones to share it with. Your siblings are incredibly precious. If you don't know this now, you will - trust me!
  • If you can laugh at yourself, you are going to be fine.
  • If you allow others to laugh with you, you'll be great!
  • Kissing is the most fun thing. Dancing is almost as fun.

- Meredith Rowe
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