Apr 08, 2006 20:00
Dear friend,
I have recently decided that it takes too much effort on my behalf to please you. Friendship should be about being happy when you are around the other person, not constantly trying to make the other person happy. You used to be a great friend and I didn't feel like I needed to try, but alas, that time has passed and I fear I do not have the time or energy to keep up with the maintenance that this so called friendship needs. I can't do this one-sided bull shit anymore so I have decided to break it off. Maybe you will notice, and maybe not. Maybe you will care, and maybe not. Either way I just wanted to formally tell you that from his point on I have officially stopped trying. Thanks for the time that we were friends.
If you think you know who this is to you are probably wrong, or maybe not. But it is definitely not to you.