Jul 20, 2012 16:09
A little update on an author who went totally MIA this summer:
So summers comming to a close, and thus my job will also be nixed in a few weeks. Even though I'll then have to start harrassing schools, I'm hoping to shake off some dust and plan to in my free time will start writing again. Though having the actual time to write again will be fun, I'll really miss the people I work with. They're a bunch of loons, but everyday was a new adventure...though not always a good one- flying spiders aimed at my head and police involvement amoung them- it was a great experience!
I also "inherited a new cat" she's pretty in all aspectes. Pretty cute, pretty fat, and pretty unhappy with her change in location. I got her from my cousin. I mention this because...well, My rooms a wreck. I cant stand it, so before I can sanely write I must must MUST CLEAN. I've been just comming home and crashing so...the amount of laundry piled everywhere.....is scary....
Now if only I could get my new scared feline roomate to MOVE....
real life,