(no subject)

Aug 15, 2005 13:16

sorry, i was on vacation.

so here goes nothing..

woooooooo ok so lets see.

the 25th of july: monday
i had swimming, tennis, and tina sleptover =]

the 26th: tuesday
tennis and then i went to my dad's company picnic
it was really nice but there wasn't really much to do
for kids older than ho11.

waiting for my dad



then my dad came so we all walked in and met this freak

the view was really pretty

they even had a band!

so we just hung around and socialized

and ate and the balloon guy made my mom a penquin

so my brother and i left around 7:30

july 27th: wednesday

swimming tennis and then i went over haley's!! =D
gah that was awesome. i hadn't gone over there in
sooooooooooo long. we went to the mall and caught
up on things.

july 28th: thursdayyyyyy
my last day before i left =(

swim trials, then ortho fitting,
then tennis matches, then it was 6 and i
had to say goodbye to christian =(

came home and packed.

july 29th: fridayyyyyy

we left around 10 and got there at like 5:30

we settled in, ate at grotto's pizza =D
hot swimmer waiter =D x 2
then got ice cream =D

then played some intense chinese checkers

my mom won

july 30th: saturday

it was rainy so we went shopping but then it got hot and sunny
so we allllllllll went to the beach.

july 31st: sunday
another beach day

uhmmmmmm idk

august 1st: monday
no pictures again haha so i dont know what we did
prolly beach again though

started monopoly

august 2nd: tuesday my mom brother and i went errand running
got rollerblades and the CSI boardgame

went to shell we golf (mini golf)

came home, ate, and finished monopoly.

uhm my parents went out to eat
so my brother and i ate at ram's head tavern


she was worth about $10,000.

we never got to play it though =[

august 3rd: wednesday

beach day and decided to go to ram's head again.
sweeeeet place.

then they got crunk by sampling beers. (but they really didnt get drunk)

haha they were too hott

then we went to ben and jerry's so i could get my usual. small vanilla milkshake
haha i'm cool

then we walked allllllllllllllll the way to the end of the boardwalk

august 4th: thursday
beach day

new suit =] we went to the outlets that day


then we went to eat at...

then went to fire mountain rescue mini golf

then i met this really hot guy

...and we hooked up

haha my brother wasnt doing too well

august 5th: friday
dad's birthday!

we went out to the zebra
reallllllly cool restaurant.

just check out ONE of the many sweet walls

they had a jungle room and a zebra room its just really cool.
very expensive too.

that night my grandfather and uncle came to the house. woooooo

august 6th: saturday beachhhhhhh beachhhhhh beachhhhh

i was winning monopoly!! but we never finished =[

august 7th: sunday

my dad and brother left =[
and it was raining so we did didly squat

august 8th: monday
yet another beach day


then we went to see march of the penquins.
vairrrrrrrrrrrr cute movie.

august 9th: tuesday
idk scthufff

august 10th: wednesday
ordered in =D

then went up to the boardwalk for some hardcore skee ball
haha im cool

as usual


i had the highest score. 320 wooooooooo


what we got with the tickets

august 11th: thursday
got my hair did!!!

cornrose bitchhhhhhh

mm hmm

august 12th: friday WE LEFT!! gah i missed everyone so fucking much.

ok so i took pictures of the house

mom and dad's room

laundry room

living room/dining room


entrance hall

family room

going upstairsssssss

my room =]

gah you get the point
then there was my brothers room and my uncle and grandfathers room
which had the connecting bathroom.
yeah you dont really need to see those

and we had a really nice deck that you dont need to see either haha

yup here's the outside though

so then we left at 9:04 and got home at 2:04

pretty fucking sweet.

so i went to paugy and hung out with erin!!
yeah there was a mixed dobles party

so mrs. helwig fed us

erin LOVED the wings

and she spilt pellegrino all over herself haha

cleaning herself

haha i love her. i'm gonna miss her soooooo much =/

august 13th: saturday

wooooooooo was SUPPOSED to go running with tom
but well its a long story

so i ran to ali's and surprised her.
then ness came and i hid and surprised her

so we hung out then i headed back to paugy
and met the new worker ryan.

ryan's the mannnnnnn. so i just hung out with
him allllllllll day.. mmhmm

then i had to go home to get ready for becky's
party which i was late to because anneliese was
late getting to my house and then we drove past the
street and ended up in naugatuck! haha her new
house is harder to get to than the other one.

but its a really pretyy house. and the party was fun.

zitty and taylor!!!!!!

yulia and courtney


lacey and wes

tayylorrrrrr and beck

then we went and had pizza and watched hide and seek

then cake

left at 11 and anneliese and wes sleptover oh man what a crazy ass night


we stayed up till 3 playing soulmate and mash
haha oh man it was hilarious

august 14th: sunday
i woke them up a little after 12

and made them belgain waffles

then we went to the club, they met ryan
and then wes left around 3

so anneliese and i stayed there till 7:30

and then came here and had BURGER NIGHT

thennnnnnn hung out and she left

august 15th: monday/today

woke up at fucking 7:10 for swim clinic
and i'm super sore when i go down the stairs.

hanging out and having ali and ness over after their camp
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