May 06, 2007 01:32
I met a guy tonight. Wish he would have asked me for my number. Oh well, it's probably for the best.
I can't explain it- I seem to be in some kind of funk. A funk of the worst kind. I was in a horrible mood today. I hate days where I look back and realize I wasted it all being mad or frustrated or upset, especially about things that I can't change. I hate the fact that I worry over things I can't change. I guess it's my way of trying to feel in control about a situation that is absolutely out of control. I also hate how I post all this stuff on here about things I hate about myself which I know I will never change.
Regardless, I really strongly dislike school right now. I don't know what it is. I suppose I'm tired of writing papers and taking tests and stressing about deadlines. Yeah, deadlines are getting me. And perhaps the fact that I've started a new job that I have absolutely no time for, but I've ran out of money so I'm working. No time, but I need money. I'm stressing. You know what I really want? More than anything right now (Ok, second to going to going to see John Mayer this summer and having a date to Spring Formal) I really wish that I would stop stressing about all this homework I have coming up. I could probably spend 8 hours working on homework tomorrow and not get it all done. All I do is bitch about work, but never actually do it.
Anyway, I'm extremely frustrated at the moment and I can't really put my finger on it. I think it's more than school, but maybe not. Maybe I need to go to bed and hope that I wake up feeling ready to take on the world tomorrow.
I made the cheerleading squad again. I feel really good about it and I'm really excited about the girls on the squad for next year and all the fun stuff we're going to do. I feel like I walked away from this season accomplishing something and overcoming a lot of fears that I had. I wanted to quit at the beginning so bad, but I feel like I did something really astronomical for myself and it felt....really incredible. I'm happy that I'm a cheerleader even though a lot of people may not undersand it, it's really big for me.
Wish he would have asked for my number...