Raw 2/?

Oct 29, 2009 21:01

Title: Raw
Author: addicted-mb
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairings: Emily Prentiss/Jennifer Jareau
Ratings: K (at the moment)
Disclaimers: Criminal Minds is not owned by me.
Authors Notes: Thank you to everyone for all the reviews....this one is a bit more of a favourite than the others, so I'm glad you all like it too! This chapter is a little shorter than normal, I just think it ends well here and I don't want to go too fast or have too much romance at the start! It's more about the drama and Emily's emotions. As always, please review and tell me what you think - thanks so much! :D

Chapter 1

There was silence at the table whilst eating the pasta but JJ could see that it was the best thing she could do for the brunette. Looking at the brunette, she saw the raw Emily. The one no one ever got to see.

She was still shaking slightly and her eyes were red from her earlier breakdown, yet JJ felt she possibly was more beautiful than ever before. She continued staring at the brunette until she realised she had been caught.

Emily hid her head by dropping it down, suddenly feeling very vulnerable. "I'm sorry Jennifer..."

JJ, confused responded, "Why are you sorry?"

"For letting you see me like this, both today and tonight. I usually can control my emotions. Today...well it was just too much!" She brought her tear-stained face up once again looking deep into JJ's.

Eye contact was kept until JJ realised she had not responded. Not that Emily was expecting a response, but the blonde felt inclined to, "Em, we all have our moments. Yes, no one can hide or control theirs as well as you, but Jesus Em, if you hadn't done something today, I think myself or Hotch would've reacted anyway. You got in before anyone else and I have to say I'm thankful for it. Although, I would've preferred no injuries on your part."

"I...I just don't know how someone could be that brutal. Especially with innocent children. Everything we see....it just didn't seem to be as bad as this. And the unsub, he was proud of what he'd done. There was absolutely no remorse; he was gloating at us....at me...."

JJ listened without interrupting, she could do nothing as she saw the brunette opening up and noticed what look like guilt in her deep, brown eyes.

"He is never going to stop. He said that to me and I believe him. He wouldn't stop...ever! There's no way prison would change him for the good," Emily sighed. "I wish I had the guts to finish him off....people like that should never be able to return to the community."

"Em, I doubt he will ever get out. He will rot in there and never see fresh, free air again."

"I wish it was that simple JJ. He mentioned to me he was going to escape. With his connections, I believe he will be able to. Trust me; he has the same connections that I do and I know that I could get out of anything!"

JJ frowned. Emily knew this Unsub. She did not realise it at the time, but the individual that murdered the children was someone from her own family. It was a distant relative, but none-the-less, they were able to have access to the same people and connections Emily would to get out of any legal implications that they may get themselves into.

Emily sighed once more and JJ looked up curiously.

"It's funny I did forget about Hotch....and the BAU". Emily frowned.

"What about it, Em?". JJ grasped Emily’s hand and squeezed, concern displayed on her face.

"I just wonder how Hotch will handle this. I hope I still have a job to go back to."

"We're family, Em! We look out for one another, we stick together. Through good times and bad. You might be on desk duty for a little while, but no one could blame you for how you reacted. We’ll get through this."

JJs heart fluttered at the first real attempt of a smile from the brunette. She could not stand the distance between the girls any longer and brought herself closer to her, enveloping her arms around the older women. She tightened her hold, as she felt the warmth breath tickling her on her neck and Emily attached her arms to JJ's back.

JJ tenderly rubbed her hands over Emily’s back. She enjoyed the closeness. She felt Emily shiver under her touch.

"You ok?" JJ leant back to look at Emily, not withdrawing from holding her.

Emily nodded shyly. She realized she enjoyed the attention but now was not the right time or place.

"How about we watch some TV, or, you could get some rest?"

"TV sounds good.."

Emily switched the TV on as JJ sank into the couch, welcoming Emily next to her. She joined her in the seat. She leant into the blonde’s embrace, enjoying the soft touch of JJ’s fingers fondling her hair.

It was not long till both girls had dozed off, both in the comfort of one another’s arms.


emily/jj, emily, criminal minds, femslash, jj/emily, criminal minds femslash, jj

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