Aug 29, 2006 17:16

welll..once again, its been a while. alot ALOT of shit has happened..

Summer was fun..I had a lot of drama tho. Me and my roommate turned out not to get along and her ipod got stolen, and I got blamed and all this bullshit that I really just want to put in the past..and im just glad that I don’t have to associate with her anymore..cuz it got to the point where there was like mean girls shit going on..and I told her straight up like we need to respect each other if we’re stuck in this room together.and things got better..but I know they were never 100 percent better but whatever..its over thank god

I got an apartment for fall..its a lot nicer than the dorms..all 3 of my roommates are really nice..I havent like hung out with them or gone out with them yet..but hopefully I will..but ive talked to them….and it feels so much more homier and I love love love having my own room!lol.. It just sucks to have to take the bus to class bc I usually have to leave like 45 minutes to an hour before class in order to get there on time bc I have to take the bus and then walk..that’s the only downside to living off campus..that, and I don’t always know if im gunna be able to go grocery shopping since I don’t have a car lol..but I went once when my parents were up here the 1st weekend and then once yesterday with my friend jared,but I didn’t really buy anything that goes in the fridge incase we lose power during the hurricane..which im really scared about bc I have never been thru one without my family =[

Im still going to the gym..I go to the little one here at my apartment complex tho bc it would be too much of a hassle to take the bus to ucf to go to the gym there..and I do the elliptical for like 50 minutes..not as intense as what I was doing at the end of the summer..2 hours a day at the gym..crazinessss!

Jarred hates me…ugh…hes so fucking retarded. For the 2 weeks I was back home between summer session and fall we spent like everyday together..he said we were “best friends”,but we acted like much more than that..if u catch my drift..and I know that was stupid bc it only made it harder for me to let go of him..he left aug 18..and I was crying for literally 3 days straight..I was a fucking mess..I felt like I had no purpose left and my everything had been taken away..im doing a little better..but now he saw pictures of me hanging out with guys on my myspace and messaged me saying he thought he could handle it but now he realizes he cant talk to me after seeing those pictures..ive called him literally about 60 times in the past 3 days…stalker status..but whatever im so fucking pissed at him. He brakes up with me n then doesn’t want me to have friends..hes the 1 that didn’t want to be with me..wasn’t he?!!!??!? Ughh.. Theres so many boys here tho…so many cute ones <3 ..and ive met a lot of guys and hung out with a lot of guys.. So im having my fun.. But I know im def not ready any time soon to get into a relationship..so im just gunna live it up <3 and ive had about 8 crushes so far haha..some not just crushes tho ;)

While I was back home I got trained as a waitress at my old job beef o bradys..so that when I come back in December I can work there..it was pretty exciting to be making my own tips..I only worked on my own (not training with some1 else) two times tho..but its pretty stressfulll tooo

Oh and I also got contacts while I was back homee! I wear them most of the tiem,but sometimes im toooo lazy cuz it takes a while for me to put them in lol so I just wear my glasses

I have this weird infection thing..my legs started like breaking out and I went to the dermatologist while I was back home and they gave me medicine and took like a qtip swab of my leg and then they called my mom and said that apparently its like a really serious thing that people have like died from and had their legs cut off..so its really freaky…and they gave me some other medicine,which I hope is working..they said I should be ok if I take the medicine,which I have like one or 2 pills left of.. And NO its not contagious..I hate when ppl ask me that..im always like do u think id be sitting here endangering your life if it was contagious?!

Anyway, for my classes-- Monday, wed, Friday: I get up at 7, catch the bus at like 7:50ish or whenever it comes cuz its not that dependable..and then I have biological principles, which is a huge lecture class in an auditorium thing, at 8:30 til 9:20.. My teacher puts the notes up on the board and we have this like workbook thing that my teacher wrote that has the setup for the notes so we just have to like fill in the spaces in there..and my friend devon is in that class with me =].. Then I come back to my apartment and go to the gym and then come back and get ready and stufff..and leave to catch the bus at like 12:30 for my 1:30 composition I class which has only like 20 ppl in it and I don’t like it bc theres a lot of reading and she wants us all to talk outloud..and I HATE talking to the class ughh..then I find something to do on campus until my american govnt class at 3:30 til 4:20..my friend jared is in that class with me..and its basically just note taking..it’s a pretty small class. Then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I get up around 10 to go to the gym and workout and then take a shower n get ready and stufff for my 1:30 history of the holocaust class..which until 2:45..its a lot of note taking..and he already assigned us our research paper,which isn’t due until the end of the semester..but in a week we have to hand in a “blurb” about our topic..which can be anything we want it to be. I went to the library yesterday inbetween classes to pick a topic..but its so different from doing research in high school..the books are like hundreds of pages of facts..and if u don’t like read the whole book..then you don’t get all the info..ugh I don’t like it..high school was so much easier

My friend Ashley came up this weekend with her friend dana and they stayed with me and we had a crazy assss weekend..toooo much alcohol..to many boys haha….Friday nite we went from this kids apartment to being picked up by another kid to meeting boys in pita pit (a really good restaurant here) to a crazyyy party,which I drank, to being picked up by 5 random guys and 8 of us squeezed into their pick up truck and went back to their place ,where I drank more lol and then we had our friend come pick us up and he slept over and the 4 of us slept in my bed haha.. Then Saturday nite we went to the kids on campus apartment that we met in pita pit..and it was so fun I got sooo trashed..and for some reason we walked down 7 flights of stiars? Haha I barely remember shit lol.. And then we got picked up by our friend again n then went back to my place where I passed out n then at like 5 in the morning we went to this kid whose my neighbors house n then came back a little later..but it was a sick ass weeekenddd fo shooo! Lol

I don’t really have any one up here that im like close with tho..like I know a lot of people..but I don’t have like a “crew” or whatever lol.. I hung out with Nykole a couple times..and ive hung out with other like random ppl..but I need like a best friend lol..jarred was my everything for so long that its weird not to have some one that im like so close to anymore.its like he went from being my everything,to now not even being in my life now that he wont answer the fucking phone! Ugh I hate himmmmmmmmm <|3

Welll I think im gunna start cleaning my rooom or whatever cuz its like a mess…maybe do some laundry? And ughh I still have the worst headache..im guessing from the weekend..yesterday I was like SOOOO fucking neauseaus all day I couldn’t take it..I took like 5 different medicines..today I only took 2 lol..ugh I feel like crap tho. well this thing is enough of a freaking novel lol so im outtt

Peace yalllll <3

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