Jun 08, 2007 17:04

My life is so busy at the moment! ARGH!

My friend just left for Canada FOREVER! We threw her a massive party with a pink hummer limo and we went to Pizza Hut and then Aberdeen beach (which reminds me I still have to clean out the sand from my mum's car). She also had a party of her own, big disco, very fun. Although the DJ was TERRIBLE!!! We requested Grease Lightnin' SO many times and he played it a couple of hours later after the Gay Gordons and stupid line dancing/country music! That is NOT what you play at a disco! But we did get loads of dancing done and lots of crying... On her last day of school we gave her a big scrapbook and a signed T-shirt from everyone + a few teachers =) And we've told her, if she ever comes back, she gets the bill!

So apart from that, school's busy too. I've had loads of end-of-term exams and now stupid little end-of-topic exams! BAH! And I've got three essay's on the go at the moment which are all due sometime next week. English and History which are both on World War One which sucks. Then my German one has to be all in German and has to be about part-time jobs and pocket money. I find it hard to contain my excitement about that one

star wars, fiona, natalie, wicked, london, canada

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