Ficlet: Straight Into His Arms

May 04, 2008 15:03

Title: Straight Into His Arms
Pairing: Cedric/Hermione
Prompt: watch your step
Rating: G
Word count: 535
Summary: Of all the things a girl could do in the arms of Cedric Diggory, she chose to scream.
Link to prompt table: here
A/N: Cedric is still alive.

'Stupid, madam Pince,' Hermione muttered darkly as she balanced an assortment of texts on transfiguration, on her way out of the library.

'I can see the headlines now: Hermione Granger Curses Librarian. I never thought I'd see the day,' Hermione jumped at the voice, it was late, she hadn't expected anyone to be around. So surprised to see someone out so late, she tripped over aforementioned boys foot and straight into his arms. In the process the transfiguration volumes had fallen to the floor, forgotten along with the ribbon that had previously been tied around Hermione's hair in a bid to keep it out of her face.

'You should watch your step, Granger,' Hermione suddenly became aware of her close proximity with the boy, but certainly not by her eyes - she had shut them tight, waiting for the impact of her fall - she could feel his breath against her cheek.

Her eyes flickered open, she screamed. Of all the things a girl could do in the arms of Cedric Diggory, she chose to scream. On realizing what she'd just done she got onto her own feet and brushed herself off before reaching down to collect the books she'd dropped. Being the gentleman (hufflepuff) he was, he reached down to help her.

'Should you be out so late?' Hermione huffed, trying to cover up the blush that had risen on her cheeks.

'The question is should you be out so late, I'm rostered for rounds tonight,' he handed the books he had gathered to her.

'I was in the library,' she put a few of the books in her bag so as to lessen her burden.

'I should have known,' he smiled. A warm crooked smile that she found she liked far too much. This was Cedric Diggory, the resident heart-throb. And she was just another girl who would- wouldn't be charmed by the careless and natural charm of Cedric Diggory. Before she could smile like a goof, she regained control over her thoughts and trained her face to a neutral expression.

'Let me help you with these, Granger,' he made to take a few books off the top of the teetering pile.

'No,' there was no way she was spending another minute in this boy's presence, who knows what stupid thing she might do or say next.

'I don't have cooties, Granger,' this time he did take the books and began to walk ahead of her 'are these all on transfiguration then?'

'Er, um, yes,' Hermione went after him, still a bit dazed 'we've got a test in three weeks.'

'Three weeks, eh?' he chuckled 'I've heard loads of things about you, Granger.'

'Oh?' Hermione now matched his pace beside him 'do tell.'

'It took you three sleak-ezy bottles to get your hair like that at the Yule ball,' he grinned 'I like it better like this,' he turned to her for a moment eyeing her wild curls.

'That's not true,' Hermione blushed, thankful that she had hair enough to cover her face till he left 'it was only two,' she mumbled.

He laughed out loud and shook his head 'and that you've read Hogwarts : A History forty-two times.'

'Forty seven,' she corrected 'it really is a good book, you know.'

'You're a funny girl,' he shook his head, chuckling 'Gryffindor tower, good evening, Madame,' Cedric greeted the fat lady who giggled before asking the password 'Hog's Head, isn't it?'

'It is, dear,' with a smile the portrait swing open to reveal the entrance to Gryffindor tower.

Handing her her books, he stuck his hands in his pockets and turned to leave before he stopped 'You might like to levitate those books next time,' he cracked a smile at her before disappearing down the hallway.

Hermione watched his retreating back sighing 'goodnight.'


cedric/hermione, watch your step, rare pair shorts

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