JE Boys' RUMORED Girlfriends

Jul 23, 2008 14:05

I repeat "RUMORED".

I'm sure this might be old news to some.

I know some of you might get pissed at me and say "Why is this girl spreading rumors?!". I'm not. I'm actually very happy that my boys have "girlfriends". Doesn't that just want to make other people drop the accusation that they're gay cause I really hate it when people call people that I admire and adore "gay".
It's a bittersweet discovery.

I didn't scan this and I don't know which magazine/newspaper it came from. And, if anyone knows who did scan it cause my instincts tell me that this came from a LJ blog since LJ is filled with Asian music lovers like me, please tell me.

Well, obviously, click picture for a larger image.

Is it just me or do these boys love to share girls. Maybe it's because that they're so close with each other because of working together for so long that they don't mind passing a girl to the next boy.

Though I was kind of shocked when I saw that Ueda doesn't have a rumored girl. I think it's because he's not in showbiz that much. I'm quite happy cause Ueda my oh most favorite in KAT-TUN and 3rd favorite JE boy has been single. I'm sad though too! That means that Ueda hasn't found anyone "suitable" for him yet! Ueda, please keep looking for that girl because 6 years from now, when you're 30, I want to see those beautiful Ueda babies.

Yokoyama Yu and Maruyama Ryuhei, I have 1 message for you and that's: If you want a girl, please tone down that perverted brain of yours. If you do that, you'll find a girl very easily because you're both funny dudes.

Man, I have to stop talking like they're actually reading this.

I can't believe ShigeYama (supposedly have) dated the same girl!

Kudos to Massubuta for competing with the likes of MatsuJun and Yamapi!

Ohno and Minami? Aaw, that's so cute!

No offense but Nakamaru was the JE boy that I thought wouldn't have a girlfriend.

Jin is such a player, 5 girls, can I be the 6th?

I noticed that the girls that Kanjani8 (supposedly have) dated never dated another JE boy. But the ones that KAT-TUN dated... went EVERYWHERE (specifically to NEWS members).

Just imagine how many girls slipped by tabloids!


Makes me wonder who Hey! Say! JUMP dated....

tackey&tsubasa, news, arashi, kanjani8, kat-tun

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