Jan 30, 2006 22:23
Love is so confusing. Love is nothing. Love is everything. Love is an unexplainable emotion. It has a definition i'm sure, but how can love be described in a simple sentence. Love is just this insane emotion that takes you over when you feel it. I felt it with him. God, I was so blind to everything. Me and him were complete opposites, but somehow we fir together perfectly. almost too perfectly. when i was with him the world seriously stopped. Its so hard to explain how i felt for him in words. all i know is that i was so madly, deeply, head over heels in love with that boy. and i know he loved me too. at some point in our relationship he did..and then he just threw it away...3 times.and no matter how much he hurt me, i let it happen. i always took him back. maybe i just put too much of myself out there. maybe i gave him too much of myself. i let him be my life, i let him in, when i didnt think i could let anyone in. he was my everything. i would have done anything just to hear him laugh..i would have done anything just to see his smile. I can't seem to think of anything but him. i should be over him by now, cause god knows hes far over me. i miss the way things used to be between us. i miss the way he would call me just cause, and we would talk for hours, about nothing, but everything at the same time. There could be silence from both of us...but somehow we seemed to know what the other was thinking. maybe im percieving this all wrong. but to me...what we had was utter perfection. ahhh. im so stuck on him. i look at other guys, and i just compare them to him. and none of these guys are what he was to me. i just want to be with him. why do i miss him so much. its like..hes right there, but at the same time hes so fucking far away from me.I Can Only Take So Much
These Tears Are Turning Me To Rust