We've lost track and field A boys. To rj and maybe vj too. First time our batch and the batch above us havn't won haha this is new... but no regrets la we really really gave it our all. Not our fault that the school doesn't give us any dsas then expects us to win _l_ But now all thats left is to fight to the end.. so we will. Ok i just cut my hair it looks damn weird and i cut a hole at the back hahaha it is probably not a good idea for me to cut my hair when im pissed off. Oh anyway i forgot to mention! ! ! i mastered the Harder Better Faster Stronger hand dance
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2cYWfq--Nw) during pw on thursday haha i look damn stupid doing it but if you want to see it just ask me when you see me. Oh yea and i watched Hellboy2 with guanyu today it was so beautiful and funny i love guillermo del toro's movies so much... especially the monsters. I really like monsters dont know how to express it into words its like since young i would always draw monsters??? They are so deviant and intresting which reminds me my sister is damn cool someone (i think her teacher) asked her what she wanted to be when she grows up then she replied "i want to be the loch ness monster" hahahaha i am so proud.. she has learnt well.. she is truely my sis. Anyw theres school tomorrow and i havnt done eom ilp issues and ideas so im off to play neopets to relieve my stress
Edit: Forgot to say this: thanks alot to everyone who wished me luck/gave me advice (esp. timo) for 4x1 (dont think im running 4x4) it really really helps haha im not bullshitting so thanks xxx muacks muacks muacks