You've given me something that I can't give back....

Apr 03, 2006 16:47


I love my book - I really hope it's on the shelves in bookshops in a few years. It's got 4 and a half lengthy chapters so far, and is almost 20,000 words. I have so much more to do! But the chapter I'm writing atm is the best, by far. Lol, I think the only reason that so much of it has been written of late is because Scott Parker pissed me off by scoring against Charlton. That man!

It's fair enough that I'm at home so nothing really costs money, but I have no money coming IN to go anywhere fun. It's so rubbish! I have been working over the weekend though, and I'm in again tomorrow - so I'm not all skint!

New Rhodes are boppy fun!

So yeah - I'm going to see Charlton on Easter Monday :) I love dad soooo much for that idea! We'll probably lose, as we're on our end of season slump now, but still, I've not been down to see them in The Premiership for so long! But they really bored me in the West Ham game yesterday. Need to sort that out, guys!

What is it with me and getting into songs about 6 months after everyone else? Oh, and just so you know, The Voom Blooms are fucking quality.

I can't drive. I swear that caris more and more knackered every time I come home. Luckily I know it well enough to deal with it, but I can't wait til dad buys the newer one - we've been looking at newer Polos and Peugeot 106's :) I'm going to have a shexeh car!

Ben (fresher Ben - I know way too many Bens these days!) sent me a message saying he's coming to visit his cousins in Hemsby soon and asked "Do I live anywhere near there?" Duuuuuude - it's 5 minutes away, that's so cool! And Mikey's coming to stay this weekend :D Yayness! We're gonna go to ASDA :D :P

I'm catching up with Kate tonight! :) And tomorrow I have to go to the doctors before work - GIVE ME HEARING AGAIN!

This is incredibly bitty :s Ok, I texted Claire this morning asking if I could come over. See, her sister's staying this week. They picked her up from the station on Saturday but Claire's car broke down on the way home :s needs a new radiator. And Ross is forever out at work, so poor Katie and Claire are stuck in Stokesby! So I thought if I went over, if they wanted to go into Norwich or anything, at least I could play taxi to them. But she didn't text me back. Went out to get some milk for mummy and popped over, but the curtains were all drawn and there was no life :( She eventually text me about 2 hours after to say she was ill. Hmph. I'M SO BORED AS WELL!

I can't really think of anything else that needs mentioning.

x x x x
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