Jul 06, 2006 20:01
I went on the first overnight with my kids last night. It was the worst/funniest adventure ever...
Have you ever seen those national lampoons movies where C and D list actors make asses of themseles and everything possible that could go wrong does. Well that was about my night... only im not a D list actor, and unfortunatly there were no pillows or fire extinguishers to help me.
So we get out into the woods... which was a field on the school grounds were the camp is. This kid (who will not be named) ends up coming with us, which is a problem because he is a kid whos social and attentive skills are all kinda of backward. So he starts freaking out cuz he doesnt want to be there, to the point were hes making himself throw-up. Just as he starts to loss his dinner another kid starts to go sour in the face and starts freaking out and gagging and coughing. So we have one kid thats throwing up, another thats freaking out, and its just starting to get dark. Then one of our girls taps one of the other couselors on the sholder and throws up whole chunks of pasta at her feet. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO. So we call people for help and we're trying to distract the kids with a fire and a story, and in between sentances you can hear gagging and splatting and crying. Luckily help came and we sent home the two vomiting kids, and the coughing kid decided that he would calm down enough to stay the night. We finally get to sleep and everyone is passed out and then at about 2 in the morning the sky decided to drop every ouch of moisture it had down on us. You know those dreams where you think your drowing and you wake up and you relize its a dream? Yeah, well when i woke up I was actually surrounded by water, and was basically almost drowning... yeah.