Hello. Me again.
Yes, I'm still here. Yes, I'm still reading (and commenting sometimes) on LJ. But no, I'm not using it very much. And that bothers me. Why?
Well, while I was at
Le Web 3 in Paris at the tail end of last year, I had the chance to catch up with the CEO of Six Apart, as we're enterprise customers of theirs. One of the things he talked about was the sale of LJ to SUP, and Chris prefaced the discussion with "I know you're a Livejournal user, but…"
And that left me thinking: am I really a Livejournal user any more? I mean, I rarely ever post here, and most of the time it's just a push from my Vox. And it's not as if I'm short on blogs to maintain:
One Man & His BlogTincan AlleyLeafshine: Lust for FlowerCoffee & ComplexityFishnets & Fedoras As you can see, the last two are a little under-maintained right now. :)
So, sensibly speaking, I should just give up on LJ. But I can't quite bring myself to do so, and here's why…
In many ways , LJ is where it all began for me. My career trajectory can be clearly traced from the moment I walked into the Felix office at Imperial College back in 1989. The professional track looks like:
Felix - Cub - The Publican - Hotel & Restaurant - Estates Gazette - GRID
And the hobby track:
Felix - Arcane - White Wolf - Livejournal - Blogging
And they come together in my current role as the blogging head of a large publishing company. I started this Livejournal because loads of people I was associating with online in the early part of this decade were using it, and most of them were gaming geeks in general, and White Wolf geeks in particular.
It was this place that I first discovered blogging and the publishing power it holds. It was here I first started developing the ideas which I'm using day to day in my day job. And just abandoning it seems a little... ungrateful.
And besides, there are plenty of people I know and like on here still, and whom I'd like to be interacting with a little more often.
I've dropped Xjournal back into my dock, so lets see if I can't be a little more active again.