not enough time for spell check

Aug 26, 2007 08:57

i'll start to think about everything
&i feel like my head is going to explode.
it's crazy, everything that has happened
&everyone i've met &every little thing that
has happend that has propelled me in this
direction, and it's amazing, everything
that can transpire just from one event
in time, and suddenly,
here i am now, in this chain of events,
&this is going to keep going, and eventually,
i'll be doing this again, looking back
&saying, "now how did this happen?"
&trying to trace back everything and pinpoint
exact times and words that made any of this
&i'll be thinking, "fuck, how did i get this lucky?"
but at the same time, i'll be missing everything
that could have happend, "if i'd
only thought of something charming to say."
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