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areksi June 1 2018, 12:25:53 UTC
кто-то ее наверное укусил впотьмах, змея или насекомое, похоже не нейротоксический яд паука Latrodectus Menavodi
Latrodectus menavodi is one breed of black widow spiders that are indigenous to the African island. They have a glossy jet-black body that bears a red mark on the abdomen. Unlike their American brethren L. menavodi’s red marking is not always shaped like an hourglass; sometimes the marking can be a single spot of varied shape, or it can be stripes, or even rings around the abdomen. Females are generally red and black, but sometimes have white spotting. Males are smaller than females and sometimes are more brown than black; they may also bear yellow and white spots or stripes. The females of this species are dangerous to humans, but not lethal. Their bite will deliver a neurotoxin that can cause severe pain, nausea and, in some cases, cause a person to go into shock and suffocate.


adderley June 1 2018, 12:34:54 UTC
Змеи у нас кусучии, но не ядовитые. За паучка мерси - изучу.


modest_kukan June 1 2018, 13:04:40 UTC
Посмотри на предмет паука черная вдова.


adderley June 1 2018, 13:48:49 UTC
Вроде опухает место укуса от этого яда?


areksi June 1 2018, 15:09:24 UTC
не только, это нейротоксин и могут быть самые разные общие реакции - вот эта черная вдова по мадагаскарски - Latrodectus menavodi is one breed of black widow spiders that are indigenous to the African island. They have a glossy jet-black body that bears a red mark on the abdomen. Unlike their American brethren L. menavodi’s red marking is not always shaped like an hourglass; sometimes the marking can be a single spot of varied shape, or it can be stripes, or even rings around the abdomen. Females are generally red and black, but sometimes have white spotting. Males are smaller than females and sometimes are more brown than black; they may also bear yellow and white spots or stripes. The females of this species are dangerous to humans, but not lethal. Their bite will deliver a neurotoxin that can cause severe pain, nausea and, in some cases, cause a person to go into shock and suffocate.


modest_kukan June 4 2018, 06:26:38 UTC
Не опухает, в том-то и дело.


shvin June 1 2018, 12:45:03 UTC
исходя из этого предположить, что у колдуньи было что-то вроде противоядия в бутылке?


areksi June 1 2018, 15:07:38 UTC
ну или просто время прошло и яд рассосался...


shadow_of_raven June 1 2018, 19:35:31 UTC
Вполне возможно, ведь есть и природные антидоты.


adderley June 2 2018, 03:40:41 UTC
Может поговорить со Скрипалями, уж они то про антидоты точно все знают.


shadow_of_raven June 2 2018, 06:30:33 UTC
я не думаю что у вас есть возможность ввести пациентку в искусственную кому, а потом еще держать в заключении сколько-то 8)


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