Feb 27, 2009 03:17
My, my, I certainly feel as though I've missed quite a bit of commotion lately.
[Filtered to Renge]
I've already taken the liberty of purchasing two tickets, one for myself and one for a date. However, I was speaking to Aya earlier, and the ensuing conversation resulted in me offering to pay for her entry as a courtesy.
I thought perhaps I ought to ask if you wanted to attend with me as you did on the last occasion, or whether there was someone else you would prefer to go with before I purchased another ticket. I really would feel terribly presuming anything, and may I say, please don't feel obligated to accept this offer. I'm certain we will both have a lovely time, whatever it is that you prefer.
((Also, despite what he says, Kyouya hasn't bought any tickets yet, in case Hustino was wondering.))