
Dec 31, 2009 16:30

Started the year watching millennium fireworks on Blackheath. I was 22. Finished my library course and moved to London, having sworn never to.

Spent three months cataloguing leaflets about road signs for the government. Even I was bored.

Invited to LiveJournal by jiggery_pokery: first post! Moved into a bijou flat in up-and-coming Lewisham with huskyteer.

Threw myself with undergraduate enthusiasm into London's LiveJournal parties. Started every conversation asking "Isn't it funny starting every conversation asking for your real name and LJ name?" Visited San Francisco and had my photo taken with They Might Be Giants.

Broke up with huskyteer, to everyone's surprise including mine. I didn't behave like a gentleman. Meanwhile, I passed a Latin exam and took my first swimming lessons since school. Commenced a long-distance relationship with j4, to the soundtrack of the Magnetic Fields.

Moved to Cambridge, out of my best friend's spare room. Bought a bike, which remains my only exercise. Went to Glastonbury for the first time and was overwhelmed.

Moved to Oxford, having left, reluctantly, in 1999. Kept in touch with friends I'd made in Cambridge and found old and new friends in Oxford. Went on a stag night for the first time; flew (not to the stag night) for the last time.

Glastonbury: still wet. Oxford, too, flooding in the summer just as we started to realise that climate change could be our generation's war. Went to Dublin (by train) and made an important proposal.

Passed my driving test after two years of lessons. I've never driven since, but it boosts my confidence to recall that I once did something so complicated.

One of the best years of my life. Married at last! I took j4's surname and haven't looked back. We bought a filthy, falling-down house with friends in walking distance and started making it a home.

* * *

Health, wealth and happiness. This is a good time to add my final entry, I think. I still find writing a chore despite seven years' practice; fortunately, most of what I have to say can be said in 140 characters. I'll still read you all, of course. KTHXBYE
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