Dragon Cave FAQ
What is the point of this?
- There really isn't a point beyond get your egg clicked, hatched, raised and matured so you can breed and CATCH 'EM ALL. It's almost like a demented dragon Pokemon.
How do I get an egg?
How often are eggs posted?
- They are posted to be stolen at the beginning of each new hour. If you lurk the adoption page, you should be able to find one quicker than that.
What's that gray blob I've been seeing?
- A gray blob is a mist of fog-- that's to protect a soft-shelled egg from being clicked and broken. Avoid clicking those until you see it's back to looking like a normal egg.
When I click my egg, it says it's soft-shelled; what does that mean?
- If you click and see that below your eggs description, it says that "the shell looks a little soft, it doesn't look right" or something along those lines-- HIDE IT. That means that your egg is sick because the click/view ratio is off!
How do I hide my egg?
- Go to your scroll and by the egg that is soft-shelled, click "actions" and then click "hide." Remember to check back on your egg because once it is no longer soft-shelled, you can unhide it.
If you guys have any other questions, feel free to ask. :D