So it's over halfway through December! Which means that for many people, it is or is nearly winter break! And that means time to discover new fandoms! Therefore, I think it's time for a round of...
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Medium: Movie! A comic book movie(s) no less. It's basically cheating if you want to play some cool characters and not try to sort through 30+ years worth of canon.
Characters wanted: ANYONE. I'd really love a Matt Murdock most of all for obvious reasons. Stick or Abby Miller would be also super awesome too.
Why you should watch/read/play: Basically it's a huge guilty pleasure. These were made back in the day before Batman Begins or even Spider-Man 2 were around to set the bar high. Even so Daredevil does its best to pay homage to the original work. Panels from the comic are very faithfully adapted into this movie while still making it clear this is its own universe. The characters are a little different from their 616 counterparts but, I feel mostly in a good way.
I highly recommend if you watch both the Director's Cut and the mainstream version of Daredevil though for the full story. Spoilers: there's an entire story with Coolio in it that explains a lot of important plot points.
Helpful links: Super cool trailer
Also supposedly the whole movie is uploaded onto youtube so feel free to try it?
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