Jan 18, 2010 21:07
Because I was having some nostalgia since I first I joined. I THOUGHT I WOULD BRING BACK AN OLD MEME THAT I WAS MOST CERTAINLY NOT CREEPING THROUGH, since it seemed like fun and I wasn't here at the time. ;A;
Name (Nickname):Read more... )
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How long have you played here? Almost...exactly twelve months, actually. MY FIRST DDDVERSARY IS IN FIVE DAYS, LMAO.
Did you think you'd be here for that long? I'd hoped so, yes!
What was your first character? Rebeccaaaaaaaaaa~ ♥
Do you still play him/her? Yes, although not as much as I should.
How many characters are you playing now? Two.
How many characters have you played total (go ahead and name them all if you want)? Just Becca and Renji.
Which character have you enjoyed playing the most (if there is one)? I don't think I can choose. They're both fun to play, for different reasons.
Which character have you enjoyed playing the least (if there is one)? Neither!
Which character have you played the longest? Becky.
Which character has lasted the shortest? I've had Renji since August, I think?
Are there any characters you've considered apping in the future? Ohmygod, don't even get me started. Characters I've considered or am considering are Ray from Disaster: Day of Crisis (obscure fandoms, ftw!), Faize or Myuria from Star Ocean 4, Flynn from Tales of Vesperia, and most recently, Zevran from Dragon Age: Origins. I'm just...bad at finishing apps, orz.
Have you enjoyed your time here on DDD so far? I'LL GIVE YOU THREE GUESSES AND THE FIRST TWO DON'T COUNT :>
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