Jan 16, 2006 19:24

Ok...I really mean the ah's now. Ugh...why must I be so insecure/wanting of a boyfriend? I'm so pathetic it's not even funny anymore. I guess my dad is right. If it has two legs and a penis then you "love" it. I know...my dad is weird. Tell me something I don't know. Like if a guy actually wants to date me...no wait I know the answer. No one. I'm so insecure that it triggers my jealousy which leads to a BAD relationship. I wish I was a beauty. The girl that stole a guys heart and was able to keep hold of it. The girl that was confident and not always wondering if the guy she liked was looking at her because she's beautiful, has a booger hanging from her nose, or looking past her at the real beautiful one.

So who do I like you ask?

Well I have a top 4...in this order.

1. Connor
2. Joey
3. Louis
4. Michael

And I have reasons why me liking them is lame beyond reason.

1. Connor- Said he liked another girl and the way he acts around me kinda hints that we're never going to date again. If he did like me then I would ask him out. Seriously...I would.

2. Joey- We all know the answer...Nicole. Curse her and her beauty! *Just kidding Nicole! I love you!*

3. Louis- Seems to go for the preppyish girls. Supposedly liked Jordan and Dated Kittie. How in the hell can I top that?

4. Michael- If he does like me then I'm like ..12 on his list of 12. : /

Yeah...I know....I'm pathetic. So shoot me. All I can think about at the moment is Connor and if there was such thing as a second chance with him....

Well I'm done with my stupid love problems. Maybe I'll have to move to France or Rome and meet a cutie there....then I can meet a nice Greek boy and make Greek babies! Haha! I love that movie.

I bid you all adue...or however you spell that word. Someday my prince will come...til then I shall listen to Switchfoot, eat Cooler Ranch Doritos, Drink Dr. Pepper, combine pizza and cookies and cream ice cream all while watching awesome chick flicks like Alex and Emma, Kate and Leopold, and my all time favorite...YOU'VE GOT MAIL!!!!! *sigh* And people think I'm to tom boyish for a bf...pft whatever!

Love Always,
Jennifer Anne Jesse Of Niceville, FL located in the US the continent of Earth! :D
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