Only A True Band Geek Would Understand...

Nov 06, 2005 18:01

So last night was our last "real" performance of the season....and you know what?....

WE OWNED! well according to everyone besides blow job Choctaw and the 5 fucking alumni judges FROM Choctaw.

Prelims wasn't our best we admit. It was very disappointing. As we sat in the stands watching the green crap band I noticed everything that I hated about them....well about their show.

1. Concert music *hello! have some fun for christs sake...yes concert band is a blast but playing classics like Abba and Earth Wind and Fire make marching band it's own division of life.*
2. Spacing *NO ONE spaced correctly...I always found someone that was to close to someone and to far away.*
3. No change *it was either really loud like BAM or really soft like boo*
4. Quality *wasn't that great*
5. Gross marching/transitions *everyone had to basically run to their position on the field and they would either be in a block or lame.*

Those are just the main points. After their performance came the award ceremony.

Guess who won every single flipping award known to band.... CHOCTAW. It made me sick. We were all pretty pissed at this point because guess who played the drum cadence (sp?) while the drum majors walked onto the field.....CHOCTAW'S Drumline! Hello!?!?! Tate's Drumline SO should have played....NOT the Crappy green Indians! We were at Tate Highschool NOT Choctaw Highschool. The whole flipping thing was gay!

So after prelims we go to the mall to get some dinner. I went to Wendy's with Gabby...Brittany comes up to me to show me the cup she got from Sbarro's.....SIMPLE PLAN.....and it comes with a CD!!! I started hypervenalating...*yes I know that's spelled incorrectly...I don't care* So I ate my dinner and saw that Will Karcher had gotten the same cup as did almost everyone else that went to Sbarros. I went to his table and asked him if I could have the cd and he gave it me if you know how I am about SP you would know how um hyper I was about the situation. Jacob came up to me and laughed while simply saying I knew you'd be looking for that. All I could do was smile at the pure enjoyment of holding the disc that held the sweet sounds of one of the greatest bands in my opinion.

I decided I wanted the cup too so I purchased one with a butt load of 7up in it. Jacob approaches me and I gloat with merriment saying I now have two cds. He removes the lid which holds the two discs and takes one. *You don't need two* He said with a grin on his face. *Well the least you could do is drink some of my 7up.* I say hoping he would agree. I knew Jacob wouldn't break the cd like the other Jackasses in our band....he actually likes them. (The more reason why I like him). Jacob took my drink and took a quick gulp. *There. Thanks for the cd* I took a sip after. I know what you're thinking. EWW! Jenny! Cooties? Mono? Ever heard of them? It didn't matter to me. I was in pure bliss. How dorky am I? My crush sips my soda and I'm happy about it. Then Paul comes over and does the same thing because I asked him nicely.... score two for the asian dork.

We got back to Tate and rested a bit before our last performance. Before we left for the warm up set we *the saxes....and basically every different instrument* gathered in a cirlce. Kim *the american one* Thanked us. She claimed we were the best section ever. Mr. Whooten told her no other section came close to us. Pressure? Nah... lol. Before we broke our circle the asian Kim sang us a song in Korean...though I didn't understand a word I felt complete...I was at home with these people. They were my crazy/messed up/fun loving/multiracial/talented family....I wouldn't trade them for the world.

We went to the final warm up set and played our warm up piano...aka soft for people that don't know music lingo. *hey some people honestly don't know musical terms. Nothing wrong with that.* Ashley was crying since it was her last time conducting for us....well at a competition. Mr. Whooten joked around saying she was a big baby and that there was no crying in band. Then Mr. Whooten said some powerful stuff. Telling us that it was no longer a competition. That this was for our dear friend Mr. Mayfield. He wanted us to play our opener....Loud and to the sky so he could hear us. And we did....we played with all we had and a little more. Mr. Mayfield heard and Mr. Mayfield was proud. Along with Mr. Mullins *crying* Mr. Adams *looking up at the sky crying* Mr. Whooten *complete awe* and even the Drum Majors/Brian. *Smiling like there was no tomorrow/jumping up and down with merriment.*

After we warmed up I looked at Heather who was practically bawling. I hugged her. She told me should would miss me and that she loved me. I tried to help her and said it was only the beginning. She said it was the beginning of the end. The whole sax section was tearing up. Jacob was a little teary eyed. aww. I hugged Kim and Heather yet again. Nothing could replace that moment....I knew I was cared for.....I knew that people did care about me.....I knew that I was about to lose some of the greatest people ever because it really was the beginning of the end.

We all played our hearts out. Not to prove we were better then anyone....but to show Mr. Mayfield and all who cared that we were there. We had made it. We were alive and giving our hearts out. Everyone was pleased.

Before award ceremony we had to line up and wait in the baseball field so we could march in. I had a blast just standing there. I stood between my two red head lovers, Jacob was behind me to my left, and Drew was close by. We were goofing off and just having a blast. I was having a laughing attack and everyone was laughing at my attack...It hurt but it was hilarious. Then Torry showed us his hidden talent. He can tickle himself. It was hysterical just watching him. I had a blast just goofing off with those guys.

The Final award ceremony....SUCKED! We got fifth...*two higher then last year* Guess who got first....Choctaw....guess who won every award....Choctaw. The guy that handed out the awards actually said to Kevin *choctaw's reciever* why don't you just stand here since you guys won all the awards. The worst part is that he walks so slow because he's busy showing off his arrogance. Lamebutt.

As we were marching back to our trailer for load up we just "happened" to end up marching next to Choctaw. I was going to congradulate them by saying all that stuff....Good Job you guys.....blah blah blah....but then someone had the nerve to say We should have let so and so or the drum section leader to accept our awards. They didn't say it descretly...they basically shouted it to the high heavens...want to know how I know....because they were looking directly at me when they said it. Those snotty stuck up lame butt jerks.

We should have placed 4th or 3rd. Ft. Walton should have won first. The awards should have distributed evenly. *Mr. Whooten supposedly is upset because he thinks the awards were rigged too....well he was definitly mad about Choctaw playing the drum cadence.* Choctaw should stop being prostitutes. In the end we were grateful....well I was. We got Mr. Mayfield's support and everyone else's too. The funny thing is that once they announced choctaw placed first people with green shirts stood up to applause with approval. Other parents/people stood up too but just so they could leave the stadium. Choctaw ain't got nothing on the Eagles...Because as Ryan and David like to say we


In Loving Memory of Mr. Mayfield. Though I did not know him may he rest in peace knowing that We the Nicevile Highschool Eagle Pride Marching Band have made it. We didn't hide the Eagle Pride.

Love Always,
Jennifer Anne Jesse (Alto Sax for the Marching season of 05)

This Song is a tradition in our band for us to sing/listen to before every home game....One of my favorites

If You Believe

If you believe
Within your heart you'll know
That no one can change
The path that you must go

Believe what you feel
And know you're right, because
The time will come around
When you say it's yours

Believe there's a reason to be
Believe you can make time stand still
You know from the moment you try
If you believe
I know you will

Believe in yourself, right from the start
You'll have brains
You'll have a heart
You'll have courage
To last your whole life through

If you believe in yourself
If you believe in yourself
If you believe in yourself
As I believe in you

The Song came from the Musical The Wiz *black version of the Wizard of Oz*
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