Feb 07, 2011 20:37

tires sing to the asphalt
social network (mark/eduardo)
10,390 words. in which mark and eduardo take a road trip across the us, and have a lot of issues. they seriously have a lot of issues.

huge thanks to strikesoftly, wishpaper, and exmptfromsanity for their fucking fantastic comments and criticism. all remaining failures are my own. ♥

(translated into chinese by reiai here: 1 2 3 4 Read more... )

fandom: social network, pairing: mark/eduardo

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Comments 155

strikesoftly February 8 2011, 01:49:09 UTC

Also, I don't think I told you this, but DUSTIN IS MY FAVOURITE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.


addandsubtract February 9 2011, 20:54:18 UTC

dustin is also my favorite, shhhhhh, don't tell anyone. ILHIM OKAY.


rebelliouslover February 8 2011, 02:27:47 UTC
“I - missed you, and I. Wanted you to forgive me. That’s all. That’s all.”

Aww Mark ♥
& Dustin's texts are hilarious.


addandsubtract February 9 2011, 20:54:45 UTC
♥ thank you! I love writing dustin. he is my supersekrit favorite.


nighttimerains February 8 2011, 02:36:18 UTC
This is beyond amazing. Absolutely beautiful.



addandsubtract February 9 2011, 20:54:59 UTC
thank you so much! I'm glad that you like it! :D


karasuhimechan February 8 2011, 02:41:58 UTC
I loved this. Amazingly sweet and epic <333333


addandsubtract February 9 2011, 20:55:13 UTC
thank you! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it. :D


antinous_wild February 8 2011, 02:56:02 UTC
Ohmygosh, SO MANY FEELINGS. I have so many feelings. You write these characters so well, with such nuance (well, as far as I can tell, you write all characters well and with nuance, but there you have it). I love all the uncertainty, the resentment, the hopefulness. And the amount of detail! So excellent.

Just one nitpick -- I go to Stanford (Go Card!) and so am super familiar with Palo Alto, and I can promise you there is no Palo Alto airport. The nearest airport to Palo Alto is the San Jose airport, which is also in Santa Clara County, so I'd recommend changing that one tiny detail, just for accuracy's sake. :)


addandsubtract February 8 2011, 03:40:27 UTC
thank you so much! I'm so very glad that you like this, and that the characters seem nuanced! ♥

re: airports, I literally just plugged "palo alto airport" into google to see what I got, and then trusted the results, ahahaha. apparently it exists, though maybe not for commercial flights? I have no idea. anyway, thank you for pointing it out! I try to be accurate, but I've - er. never been to palo alto! glad to have an expert on hand. :D


antinous_wild February 8 2011, 05:51:45 UTC
Ahh, you may be right. There's definitely not a commercial airport, but very possibly a private one. (Lots of rich people around, so I wouldn't be surprised.)

I really did love this fic, so I'm sorry to nitpick about stuff like that! :)


addandsubtract February 9 2011, 20:56:44 UTC
I have no idea! ahahahaha. either way, thank you for pointing it out! I truly, truly don't mind. better to know than to be inaccurate forever! :D


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