Giving it another go...

Aug 28, 2024 10:20

Hello everyone,

I've been on and off LJ for quite some time (since 2007!). I had a nice little circle 'back in the day' and would like to have that again, and hopefully meet some 'kindred spirits.' :)

About me - I'm a 50-year-old woman living in Florida with my boyfriend and eight cats (Yes, eight. Our saving grace is they are well-behaved). I've worked remotely (now hybrid) since the pandemic as a research administrator (basically an executive assistant, but in a research/academic environment).  Eh, it's a living.

Hobbies: I love to go to yard sales, estate sales, flea markets - I love all things vintage and kitschy :) One of my favorite ways to spend weekends is browsing flea markets with $20 in my pocket and returning home with treasures.

My other interests include writing - I used to write fanfiction awhile back - a little Harry Potter, As the World Turns, Captain Tsubasa, Star Wars...I'd like to get back into writing fanfiction as well as branch out into original fiction (can anyone recommend any writing prompt/challenge communities?)

I also like knitting, puzzling, used bookstores, and collecting/reading Tarot and Oracle decks (I'm HOOKED on these :)

Books: I like to read a lot of 'woo woo'; some of my favorite authors include: Sonia Choquette, Sanaya Roman, Jane Roberts, Al Manning, Raymond Buckland, Scott Cunningham, Silver Ravenwolf, Diane Stein, Mary Summer Rain, Carlos Casteneda. Fiction-wise, I love the classics, like L.M. Montgomery, Katherine Mansfield, Edgar Allen Poe, HP Lovecraft, Betty Smith, Anton Chekov, as well as vintage gothics from the 60s/70s. I also like (some) yaoi, my favorites being Fumi Yoshinaga and Higashi Nishida. I also enjoy old-school comics, especially Calvin and Hobbes and Cathy (as I get older, I find myself relating more and more to Cathy, lol).

Movies: I am a big fan of the 'oldies' - silent films, pre-code, grindhouse, classic horror (especially ones featuring the greats: Vincent Price, Peter Cushing, Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, Christopher Lee, etc.). I'm binge-watching the Frankenstein series by Hammer starring Peter Cushing - awesome!

Music: Psychedelic 60s (Grateful Dead, Pretty Things, Kaleidoscope, Syd Barrett-era Pink Floyd, The Monkees, etc.) Also love old school industrial / goth (Bau Haus, Skinny, Puppy, Sisters of Mercy, etc.), classical (Debussy, Bruckner, Vivaldi), groovy 70s, and 90s alternative.

And here is where it gets a bit persnickety:

To be frank, I want nothing to do with politics, so not interested in journals that are heavy on politics/social justice. If you must know, I'm an ex-liberal who changed my affiliation from Democrat to NPA (No Party Affiliation). While I do side with conservatives on some issues, I side with liberals on others. So, I figure it's best to just not talk politics, as I'd probably get myself in trouble with either side, lol. (To quote Linus: There are three things that I've learned never to discuss with people: religion, politics, and the Great Pumpkin :)

So, now that I sound like a curmudgeon, please feel free to comment if you think we'd have things in common :)
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