LJ Name: sk8ing_grl
Language: My mother tongue is chinese but I'm proficient in english as well. I also speak a bit of french.
Age: 16
Interests: Photography, shopping, travelling, ice skating, animals
Anything else: I use my lj account only for online shopping purposes D:
So, if you're interested, you can visit my blog:
http://happyland-not.blogspot.comI normally post in a mish mash of english, chinese and french. But a majority of the posts are english...but I'll try and post more in chinese and a bit of my horrible french from now on! xD
I like taking photos of things in my daily life and then manipulate the photos to achieve special effects. Most of my blogposts talk about my daily life.
Let me know if you're going to be visiting my blog! (leave a comment here)
OH and i'm also looking for french ljs/blogs. THANKS!