(no subject)

Oct 19, 2005 04:29

Good times lol

Well lets start from the top worked 8-3 today. Day went along as normal. After work i did my shit them went over to the dunes. Made up a fire pit and gathered some wood and made up the general set up for the fire. Then it started to rain so i high tailed it out of there and went home. Sat around for a bit then ate some dinner with the fam. After that i went downstairs played some games and watch TV. Fell asleep for about 30 minutes till dan called me at 1030ish. 15 minutes later the trups gathered as we got ready to go play with fire.

Rob Joe Dan Mike and I all headed out to the dunes and got to my little camp fire i set up. This is when we realized that we didnt have anything like paper or stuff to start up our little fire, so... Rob and Joe walked all the way back to my house to get matches and newspaper. In this time i got ansy and was acting all crazy was kinda funny. After about ten minutes they returned and we started that sum bitch up. got it going good and started to work on our wax fire bomb thingy we wanted to try out. So we put the can of wax on the top and let it all melt down. Once it started to catch on fire and was all liquid dan did the honors and poored the bucket of water on it. While we were all a safe distence away we chuckled as dan got a nice little steam burn from the well steam dur... The fireball wasnt that big but it did work. Were thinking we just didnt use enough wax and needed more probly. After that we had to start up another little to finish what we came there for seeing as the water totaly put out the other one. After "I" got the fire going good ahem... lol. We toosed the little propain tank in it and took off. To our disatisfaction the tank didnt explode but the seal on the lid poped off. This resulted in a nice little flame shooting out the top that lasted about 2-4 minutes. Us being as smart ass we are started throwing rock at it to try and blow it up but nothing ever happened.

Well that ended the Pryo part of our night. After this we headed back to my house and Mike went home.

Still wanting to do something we all went to 711 and got some slushies. After the slushies we went went to Dicks to show Dan what rob sprayed on the wall behind it. ("I Hates Dicks-a lot (signed) DZ" LOL) after we showed him that we went behind Target and rob tried to see how high he could get the Wrangler up the hill. well he got about half way up. Moving on we went past Home Deput were Joe wanted to know what was up that hill were the gate is Seeing as it was wide open. Well this is when We got REALLY happy. turns out theres this hudge Off road trail back there. Nothing else, just a long ass path that was perfectly sized for the jeep. After we got to a point were there were just way to many rocks and crap we turned around and headed off.

From there we drove down to Lincoln cause Dan wanted to show us this crazy HUDGE house. Turns out I know exactly were it was cause i went to a party at my Friends house that lives in that same plat area. Well after seeing that we drove homish till someone thought up the wonderful idea that mad our night extreamly long. I forget who it was but someone desided hey rob lets take out a mailbox. So dan gets robs bat and hits this mailbox 2 times cause he couldnt get it done the first hehe. Well then we move along and they all say Dave you next. maybe cause i maid the smart ass coment if did that dan that mailbox would be off in left field. Well anyway i get in the front and we wind up at the Loft. so they tell me to go hit the mail box so i do. I swing at it, and NOTHING HAPPENS... im looking at it and its like i didnt even hit it. So i run back to the car with a Broken bat haha go me... and knumb hands. So we leave there and start to think if we want to do anything else.

This is right about the time rob notices someones ridding his ass. So he pulls over and BAM its a cop... Same cop i had my late night run in a while back to. Well he asks us what were doing then. We lie and then hes like i know what ya just did. (Turns out he was like hiding right across the streat somewere. Dam were smart for looking around for a cop wow... Well anywho that one cop takes all our ID and then soon magicly Turns into Bam 4 cops. One by one he takes us all out of the car and searches us then cuffs us and puts us in 2 cop cars. Me and rob with my buddy and Dan and Joe in the other guys car. Then other 2 cops leave and then the Tow truck came and took robs Jeep. Then it was on the the station.

there was a few funny moment during the search prosess. One was when the guy searched rob and he happened to had 2 fucking hallow point bullets in his pocket that he was playing around with and forgot he took them home. WAY TO GO ROB LOL... Another was when i was in the cop car and they were searching joe and they find his Marines hat and this creapy Hanable face mask warmer thing he was wearing around all day at my house. Then the last would be rob trying to get in and out of the cop car. I felt so bad for him lol they surtainly didnt think of him when desiding how big to make them back seats.

Back on track We get there and they take our stuff. And put each of us in a cell and bring dan in cause he was the last one into the station. This is wear i started to go crazy with ADD. Figiting whisteling and other crap... O and might i say there Grounds in the cells ARE CRAZY. If ya stair at them chunks of the ground start spinning and shit. Must be really back for a guy thats drunk or stoned... Anyway after a while they finaly got to me and took me mug shots and fingerprints i signed my court date papers and headed out the door. There i was greeted by Mr Joe and rob and walked home. Got home gave rob a ride home and now am back here righting about our tale.

Mainly with this hole thing i feel bad because of joe... Joe now has to take and emergenty leep of absense to come back and go to court. Seeing as he only has 1 more day for the year. Then he said he might get like a demarit and even a pay cut. Or worse both. And then there will be much Heckling when his supirior officers find out. And when it comes down to it he didnt even do anything.

Well tomorrow i gotta take rob to get his car back so ill be getting only like 3-5 hours of sleep boo... o well

All in all it was one fun night and My first time being arested/hang cuffed/ride in a cop car Just another Right of Passage i guess. Dam good times guys lol... Gona miss ya Joe...

A friend is someone who will bail you out of jail, but your best friend is the one sitting next to you saying "that was f***ing awesome"

PS. if this dosnt make sence when you read it, its cause its 5am right now
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