
May 10, 2006 01:23

I jsut wanted to post this idk why i dont even think anyone will read it but i wanted to so blah

[00:52] BLabel411sk8r: SUP MAN
[00:52] BLabel411sk8r: i got the day outa work today
[00:52] LoveMetal31125: sup
[00:53] BLabel411sk8r: on a weather permiting job and its pooring out
[00:53] BLabel411sk8r: how ya been
[00:53] LoveMetal31125: good
[00:53] BLabel411sk8r: that's good to here
[00:54] BLabel411sk8r: whats it like out there?
[00:54] LoveMetal31125: same here how is every thing else
[00:55] LoveMetal31125: its hot and sanf storms
[00:56] LoveMetal31125: sand
[00:56] BLabel411sk8r: Here? its the same as allways
[00:56] BLabel411sk8r: must be getting hot over there
[00:56] LoveMetal31125: yup
[00:56] BLabel411sk8r: summer time
[00:57] LoveMetal31125: it is by the day
[00:57] BLabel411sk8r: so your gona be there for a full year huh... :(
[00:57] LoveMetal31125: yup
[00:57] BLabel411sk8r: Mom Says hi
[00:57] BLabel411sk8r: wants to know how your doing
[00:58] LoveMetal31125: hi
[00:59] LoveMetal31125: tell her im ok for now
[00:59] LoveMetal31125: my mom says hi too
[01:00] BLabel411sk8r: will do
[01:01] BLabel411sk8r: so how ya really doing?
[01:01] BLabel411sk8r: its gotta be hard down there
[01:01] BLabel411sk8r: over*
[01:01] LoveMetal31125: ok i really good
[01:01] BLabel411sk8r: alright man
[01:01] LoveMetal31125: it ok
[01:02] BLabel411sk8r: you have to discharge you gun yet?
[01:02] BLabel411sk8r: id hope not
[01:02] LoveMetal31125: not yet sadly
[01:03] BLabel411sk8r: that's not a bad thing man
[01:04] BLabel411sk8r: you on ration convoys? or ammunition
[01:04] LoveMetal31125: both
[01:04] LoveMetal31125: well i was
[01:04] BLabel411sk8r: was?
[01:05] LoveMetal31125: but im back at supply for now
[01:06] LoveMetal31125: but im trying to get on them again
[01:06] BLabel411sk8r: ic
[01:07] BLabel411sk8r: they got ya doing both
[01:07] BLabel411sk8r: you get in trouble or something?
[01:07] LoveMetal31125: no we take turns
[01:07] BLabel411sk8r: ic
[01:07] BLabel411sk8r: makes sence
[01:07] LoveMetal31125: yup
[01:08] BLabel411sk8r: its going good over here
[01:08] BLabel411sk8r: allways the same basicly
[01:08] LoveMetal31125: what do you mean
[01:08] LoveMetal31125: yup
[01:08] BLabel411sk8r: RI is RI
[01:08] LoveMetal31125: every day is monday
[01:09] BLabel411sk8r: lol
[01:09] LoveMetal31125: only 10 months to go
[01:09] BLabel411sk8r: :(
[01:10] LoveMetal31125: hehe
[01:10] BLabel411sk8r: ya suck man
[01:10] LoveMetal31125: why
[01:10] BLabel411sk8r: 10 months dam
[01:11] LoveMetal31125: sorry
[01:11] BLabel411sk8r: i couldn't do it
[01:11] LoveMetal31125: thats why i am
[01:11] LoveMetal31125: for all of you
[01:12] BLabel411sk8r: i know man
[01:12] LoveMetal31125: that in reason enouf for me
[01:12] BLabel411sk8r: we all know your out there fighting for us
[01:13] BLabel411sk8r: we all thank ya
[01:13] LoveMetal31125: its nothin
[01:13] BLabel411sk8r: it is though
[01:14] LoveMetal31125: its a small price to pay for the people you care about
[01:14] BLabel411sk8r: your a good man joe
[01:14] BLabel411sk8r: don't let anyone say anything different
[01:15] LoveMetal31125: i dont think so
[01:15] LoveMetal31125: but thanks
[01:16] BLabel411sk8r: Hey if i ever needed anyone to have my back i allways know who to turn to
[01:16] LoveMetal31125: thanks that to me means alot
[01:16] BLabel411sk8r: your allways looking out for us all
[01:17] BLabel411sk8r: I thank ya for that
[01:18] LoveMetal31125: its what i try to do best
[01:18] BLabel411sk8r: You are my hero man
[01:19] BLabel411sk8r: it true
[01:19] LoveMetal31125: thanks
[01:20] LoveMetal31125: ill be back soon ok are you going to be on
[01:21] BLabel411sk8r: yeah ill be around
[01:21] LoveMetal31125: ok
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