May 07, 2010 01:07
Name: Call me Owl/Oiase.
Age: Old enough.
Location: A lonely place; Murrieta, California. nvrcumhurr.
About Me: Osup, I'm Oiase. Pronounce it like 'Oh-eye-ace.' Now say it faster. That's it. It should sound like 'Oh-ice-say' a bit but lower on the 'say.' You can picture the trouble with telling people how to say it in real life. I've been writing for some years and I've succeeded in no longer using 'orbs' to describe eyes and have had someone bet their life on me becoming a published author. Oh my, how times have changed. Hm, well. At 9, I began writing. At 10, I became interested in psychology. At 11, I started getting myself 'out there' in communities a bit and soon felt I lost my interest in writing. Skipping 12, at 13 I steadfastly got back into writing. And that's my story, I would mark other ages but those are my points of interest. v v interesting.
About My Journal: It's empty currently; boo. But now that I've time, I've definitely going to be filling it with rants, stories, character concepts, goings-ons - I'd love for you to give me feedback on all of these. Even my rants which are usually pretty entertaining, so my RL friends have told me.
What I Write: I usually say YA but but I've come to realize many of the things I write don't quite fit next to other titles on the market. Off of that, I write general life, personality disorder oriented, psychologically based things(you know, that really focus on the characters mental well-being), lately post-apocalyptic, a bit of romance as a side dish and some action. I really love to have real human emotion in my work so I often focus well on character development.
What I Don't Write: Poetry because I don't appreciate it very well. Fanfiction because... not a big fan, is all. I also don't really write mythical characters much.
What I Read: Whatever I believe is just the right amount of sugar, spice, everything nice, snips, snails and puppy dog tails. I do float more toward 'life' themed novels and some that are a bit 'crooked/disturbed' as long as they properly portray thin
What I Don't Read: Eh. Mostly what I don't write but poetry is beautiful when I can feel it.
Favorite Authors: Ffffffffffffffffffffffu, can't choose.
Favorite Books: See above.
Could I Edit Someone Else's Work: I would, I love to. But I do warn you, people have, um... Well, once a girl said, 'I'd love for you to critique my work. I need a harsh opinion.' I try to be nice but I guess I fail? I'm not an ass, though, that's for damn sure. I don't pick at grammar too much (I leave that to others), but more the actual story.
What I'm Looking For: Everyone - I've never been good at buffets. Sense of humor is a must.
What I'm Not Looking For: Those on pedestals - n0 3l3tism hurr plskthx.
mature adult,
young adult,
* willing to edit,
* willing to critique,