May Day 2009

Apr 30, 2009 13:57

From IndyBay:

"This May Day 2009 millions of workers in the US are under attack from layoffs and wage cuts to union-busting tactics by authoritarians who want a union-free environment. Working people are under assault; ICE raids continue to terrorize and demonize the immigrant communities nationwide, destroying families, maintaining exploitation.

The First of May was a symbol of the international proletariat’s struggle for emancipation. Neither military parades nor the ‘good little boy’ marches of the reformist union federations can blind us to the deep-seated international solidarity of the struggle. Worker autonomy, direct action - with no chiefs, guides, Great Leaders or Grand Helmsmen, but organized into our own rank and file agencies - will turn the revolutionary movement into a tool for liberation."

For those of you in the area:

START DATE: Friday May 01
TIME: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location Details:
Dolores Park, San Francisco
Rally @ 12PM
March begins @ 2PM
Event Type: Protest

misc: news

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