We are the world of Carnaval, we are Bahia!

Apr 11, 2008 11:55

Olá ADIML-ers.

I'm Sheila, 18 from Canada, but currently living in Salvador, Brasil on a year long youth exchange...only 1.5 months left :( This is my ... 5th ADIML.. the last one was the 28th of February.

This was a pretty normal day, school, hanging out with friends, getting on the wrong bus... This is Yesterday the 10th of April by the way

Hope you enjoy! New Friends are always welcome of course! 69 pictures + reapeted teaser.

Mummmmm 5:40am.. sorry no time check.. we were running wayyyyyy behind (we have to leave at 5:50 to get buses, so sorry for the lack of photos here)

Search for my school shirt.....

(Insert running around finding pants, flip-flops, brushing teeth, using bathroom.. etc.. again we were running really late)

Almost done...

My (host) sister getting ready

Peanut Butter... a friend of my second host mom brought this from Florida for me when he went to Disney in February, I'm taking it for another friend who will make peanut butter cookies for our presentation on Saturday with it... mumm cookies

Fast forward about 7 minutes and I'm at my bus stop

Bus stop...and time check... its says 6:02 if your super human reading skills aren't working so great today

Since I'll be waiting for another.. 10 minutes at least I go take a picture of the beach.. and think about not going to school and staying here

Waiting, waiting, waiting

See my mom heading back home... she dropped me off and then bought bread

My MP3 player, not so good for taking pictures of my current tunes... it is however *Eu quero ter voce* by Chica Fé, a band from here in Salvador... I know the lead singer... so *insert shameless plug for the awesomesness that is Chica Fé here*

On the bus I actually got a seat today! it doesn't happen often.. sometimes once we get to like the stop before mine. but normally I stand.

Driving by the airport... there is a plane there, and a ad for beer... also note the rain.. it starting raining intensly about 5 minutes after I got on the bus....

Off the bus.. it clearly was not raining here... and walking to school

It says its 7... my technology is not ADIML friendly.. sorry :s

I spend most of my class time doing Suduko... yay exchange

All that hard work makes me hungry...

After math class people have questions.... we were learning about... something about functions..

In chemistry I do work... since I'm studying Biology/Chem in university next year I figure its a good idea..

My batteries died here and not until I got a chance to go to the pharmacy after school did I get new ones... not that you missed anything

Back on the bus....

I put on some tunes

and get a time check (12:33)

Bus money for the rest of the day....

Heading through... Itapaun on my way to Salvador to go to a party/lunhc at my friends house..

We pass by my street on the way

Yay 1pm traffic...

We were in Pituba... Tine also called me to tell me her friends from school weren't coming... and Susanne called me.. and then we decided the three of us could do something instead.. yay

I pass an english pub and make a mental note to go there and have fish and chips one day

Cool fact- this is where Carnaval on the Barra-Ondina circuit ends, Carnaval in Salvador is pretty amazing.. if you ever have the chance to go do it!

Wear helmets all you motorcycle riders!

They have cement apperently.. also at this point I get the feeling I'm on the wrong bus... which turns out to be true :( I could change.. but Salvador is full of one way streets, so I figured it better to stay on this bus and get to Praca de Sé (end of the line) to get another one cause at least I knew there would be one..

My host sisters school

The theather.. (Castro Alves Theater actually) I've only been there once (Banda Eva show!!) but its really nice

More traffic... Ave. Sete de Septembro..

I get off the bus, and take a picture of Pelorinho, just for you guys... well thats one of the churches... Pelo is really cool.. but the bus I needed to get was about to leave so no time to get more pictures or be touristy...

On th ebus again.. my hair is looking frazzeled.

And I'm feeling hungry its currently 2:20.. two hours after I got out of school.. and I haven't eaten anything since that cearel bar at like.. 9am


Over looking the bay..

I was in Praca de Sé.. now I'm on my way to Shopping Barra (oh Barra is pronunced Bah-hah in portuguese... ust so you know)

I have reached my destination

Time check- 2:32...

I meet up with Susanne (see here) and Tine. Susanne and I are both Canadian and we ponder ove the need for toques in Bahia (answer.. people here go to Argentina a lot.. and since its autum now its getting colder) Susanne is impresesd that that hats are imported.. until we discover imported just means made in China... she was hoping something exotic.

I change out of my gross school shirt. Tine tries on a bikini while I do this... one. and after that one.. 10 others... we were in the change rooms for like.. 40 minutes

Susanne was not impressed about this

After we are all amussed to stumble across Barra on Ice! I really wanted to go skating but had no money..

We head off to Tines apartment, and stop for some cocout water mummmmm

While Susanne drinks her *agua de coco* Tine and I take pictures

Tines apartment


FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD.. I'm impressed and starving

Susanne thinks about what she has just eaten.. peanut butter on cheese

The view from Tines apartment

This is another part of the carnaval circuit.. Susanne and I wait to get the bus

On the bus... I didn't take any pictures until after susanne got off and a lot of people left.. buses aren't the safest here.

Ahhh its getting dark and I'm still not home.. uh-oh

Soo it was dark and I was on the street.. and being a girl, alone at night doesn't really leave one in the best positions for taking photos.. so

Fast forward to when I got to the condiminum it was dark.. and 6:30-ish

I'm scared... of what my mom will say.. but she was cool about it...

I shower.. and then Flavia and I settle in for some TV!

Time check.. 6:48 (I think)


Also I watch Greys anatomy, and time check 7:46.. Flavia and I are waiting for Pushing Daisies to start.. tonight is the first episode, its just starting to air here

and then we eat.. sandwich, frozen Ice cream thing and popcorn!

And the prusuit of happiness

Pushing daisies starts.. haha hilarity..

Kid the dog. he was watching the door not TV

I talk to susanne about our plans for tomorrow... portuguese and english how nice

Time check 10:55

Boa Noite ADIML!

New friends are always welcome.. I'm sort of new to LJ.. well using it for my day to day journal anyway, so new friends are always nice :) just let me know if you are adding me
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