Can't stand being me

May 13, 2005 14:19

I hate people who pitty themselve, but I am going to pitty myself anyways and write about what all I think is wrong with my life. My mom is sometmies overbearing and my dad isn't really a dad, my sister si wreched to me and I don't do anything about it. My friends.....let's just say I have a lot but none that are true or close. I have tons of ppl who I know look down on me and ppl that I would rather be honestly I really hate being myself. I can't stand coming to school and being around all these ppl who are hipocrits, sluts, backstabbers, PREPS, and just well oh yea the goat ropers that make about half of our school's population. I often like guys with all my heart and get to attached only to watch things all fall apart. When I like one person it is truely only that one person, and most of the time they can't return the feelings I get hurt way to easily sometimes I wish that ppl would either just leave me alone or everything to be normal. idk what I want. I used to but that was untill I truely lost him and I don't even know if I really ever had him like truely and honestly like he said he did. oh well I am giving up and just idk......I can wait for a guy, but idk if the true feelings will be there or if the guy will just want a piece of yea you know. welll I am having a bad day so hear you can allhear this and just ignore it or act like you care but truely not. xoxoxo Amanda
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