TAG! Quick info!

Jul 22, 2010 22:33

Why, hello everyone!

We just wanted to inform you, that we cleaned out the tag-list, which was... Horribly overdue.

We removed tags that had either no uses at all as well as those that have only been used like one-two times. Also characters that haven't been in the game for like... Forever. Too obscure characters as for anyone to ever pick them up again as well as characters that we really could not place anymore at all. Also removed got tags for locations, fail!tags and tags for series and... Well. Everything that just didn't belong on that list.

On the other hand we added tags for every currently played character and will add new character-tags in the future. Also: We disabled the 'Members can create tags'-function to keep the list clean.

Overall, the list should be more useful to most of us now. This is especially important since we use it for the Activity Check.

...to tag every LOG you PARTICIPATE in with your character's specific tag.
...to tag every COMMUNICATOR POST you OPEN with your character's tag.

Everything you ever wanted to know about tags: C lick here~

Why is this important?
Because in order to do the Activity Check, we use these tags to look up all the posts you made during this month~ :) - Simple as that.

Thanks for reading~ And... Feel free to ask if xou might have a question.

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