Aug 20, 2007 10:30

This journal is now officially Friends Only, meaning in order to read any of the entries (other than this one) you must have a LiveJournal account and some connection with me that convinces me to let you read it. Such as being someone I actually know from somewhere.

Why Friends-Only?
My journal used to be public, but it was started years ago, when I knew only a small handful of people on LJ, and no one really read it who didn't know me. Nowadays, I get a lot of random people stopping by and I have several people on my "Friends Of" list whose journals I can't even read, and whose reasons for friending me I can't even fathom. My journal and I have grown up a lot in the past few years, and my posts have grown more intimate and personal. I've become a little bit edgy about letting random people just stop by and see the personal details of my life. Hence, the reason for this action.

But I want to read it!
If you'd like to be friended, please post a comment on this entry stating who you are and/or how I know you, or, if I don't know you, why you'd like to be added. Thanks :)

