At the beginning I would like to say THANK U to everybody who have posted a comment in my previous note. I feel better and it really helped me ♥
why am I so unlucky person?! All plans that I decided to fulfill before the end of 2009 are ruined!
Fisrt of all,
my hair, I wanted gold-blond colour (
something like this )and I got dashing copper-
HERE or heeeere :( this stupid hairdresser didn't understand me properly, though I showed her this pic, aghhhr and I don't belong to these people who can complain about it, even when Im totally furious I will keep it in myself, not good
tattoo, still didn't make it ><
VAMPADDICT, I want to jooooooooooooooooin it so badly, and and sometimes I do not feel like a real fan. I know that I don't have to be in the fanclub to show them how much I love them, but when ur a member of it it seems that ur closer to them, to Hyde. He is so far away from me... I even can't afford myself buying Monthly Vamps and its all because of money absence!
Oh Gawwwwwwd, I need to find a job till the end of this month, working as a weitress at some japanese restaurant would be awesome~~~ghyaahyaa
of course it won't happen COZ I DON'T HAVE A LUCK
But I won't give up, I will do my best and try to fix those things, pls support me
and yes this person at the default icon is cute adasama, lol