There's a Part of Me in You - Chapter Twelve

Jul 20, 2010 22:43

Master Post
Chapter 12 - Finding Judas

Lucifer closed his eyes and breathed out a sharp hiss. “Stupid,” he murmured, as Sam froze. The vibration of the world tearing open echoed through Lucifer’s bones. “So stupid.”

“What do you mean?” Astoreth’s scowl was threatening and angry; she wanted to finish her rant about how Hellhounds shouldn’t be cleaved in half with a knife or shot from afar. She tried to turn her face to him but he was still carrying her through the air and Lucifer’s strong arms were unbreakable.

He soared straight up and came to a complete stop. Astoreth’s knees buckled as her feet hit the ground. “What the Hell are you doing? Why aren’t we following him?” She spun out of his arms.

Lucifer smiled cruelly for her.

“No. He wouldn’t.”

“He did. Kansas. I can feel his grace moving now, pacing along a highway. The camp isn’t far. Maybe a mile.” Lucifer sighed.

“Stupid,” she agreed.

Lucifer grabbed her arm and the forest dissolved. His horrid, evil, terrifying, and, sadly, bored horde of demons stood when he materialized before them.

Astoreth sauntered forward. She screamed a high pitched battle cry and raised her fist. The demons joined her yell and they began to run with a purpose lost to them for the better part of six months.

Lucifer took flight and the demons followed Astoreth across the ground.

This was the end. Lucifer could restore the life of this planet without mankind’s destruction. His sun could rise and fill the sky with light. His father would fall before him and his brother’s would join him or die.

Lucifer laughed gleefully.

<>And what of Dean? Sam asked.

Lucifer cringed. “He is human.”

I won’t let you kill him.

“He can’t kill me.”

He will do what he has to do… to save those people. I will make him kill us.

“Do you think he will have the strength to end your life?” Lucifer laughed at the comment but waited eagerly for the answer.

Sam was silent. There was no answer he could provide. Lucifer could see the two iconic images of Dean that Sam was weighing in his mind. The first was the protector of everyone. There was the Dean that would risk his life to save a little boy; the one who would sacrifice almost anything for the lives of others. The second image, one Sam had relied on for survival since Azazel set their childhood home on fire, was much more powerful. This Dean would give anything, without discretion, for just one thing, Sam. This was the Dean that threw himself into Hell when he thought he had lost Sam. This was the Dean that would, and often did, take a bullet for his brother without a second thought or a single regret.

Lucifer felt Sam arguing with himself. Dean was strong enough. Dean knew there was no chance of saving Sam. Dean would do the right thing. Right?

Lucifer didn’t think so. Actually he was counting on Dean’s inability to kill Sam. Sam wouldn’t be able to hold him off for long and Dean would stare at Lucifer’s pretty face and freeze, that overriding instinct would paralyze him and Lucifer would be able to end both brother’s in one fatal stroke.


“Yes,” Lucifer whispered. He let loose a cry that could be heard for miles around. The demons responded in kind as the trees broke way. The field that rested before them was dark and deadly. Lucifer could see the old bodies rotting away as the rain washed the mud from their unmoving faces.

The town was run down and burning at the end of the field. The people were gathering and the final battle was beginning.

Astoreth would lead his army; he would find the betrayer of his enemy. Castiel must have known that he was leading Lucifer straight to Dean and the humans.

Lucifer rose like a beacon in the sky, black wings darker than the night around him. The highway ran forever below him, Route 66, just shy of ironic.

The figure was clear as the rain splashed darkly against his skin. He was six foot at least and well built. Lucifer planned to drop right in front of him, cloaked in the night and hushed by the rain.

He folded his wings and dropped down before the angel.
Chapter Thirteen
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