Apr 10, 2007 21:27
Just a recap on my life, more for my own selffff...
Dumped Jon for jesse, right right. Told Jesse it wasn't working out soon after, cause I wanted Jon back...he of course took me back cause he's a total dollface.
So we were getting comfortable and all close and happy like we once wassss.. and then someone told him about something I did while I was waAaaaasted (but still counts, I know) and basicallyyyy he's too hurt to want to be with me for real.
Cause I'm a skanky bitch basically. I'm selfish and manipulative too. I'm childishly mean. This is all SO fucking true though. So ya know, I'm sad for us, but I'm more sad for ruining boys lives.. especially the one I want to still love me. Basically I was being a playa with 3 guys within a month.
Never was I sleeping with everyone at once but ya know... they were all totally in love with me and now it's my turn to feel the wrath. Soo.. that sucks. I just want Jon to be okay with me... BAH
I work at Tax processing center at Bank of America too. There's that. I had 1 day so far & I work from 5-9... prime pass-out-in-your-chair fuck-this I-don't-want-to-work-anymore time... pretty cool. I make $9.08 an hour opening stapling and sorting mail... and I work with Dave Ball! Ha...
I might as well go back over yonder
way back cross yonder & over the hills
cause if my baby don't love me no more
I know her sister will!