The Forks usually manages to be bustling on any day, packed full of cars and people, but the advisory against travel and the fact that most methods of transportation aren't working as of the recent cold snap, people just aren't here. A handful of diehards and fools braved the cold (and the something-else, the urge to just settle in and wait things
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"I'm here," she informs her radio, "It's fucking freezing, and--ah, shit, there are more bodies."
Bodies that will be raised fairly quickly, given some poor imitation of life and sent shambling after her. Some of them murmur her name, in quick, harried tones, until she makes a face and silences them. The chanting gets really irritating fast, she's learned from experience.
"File in, stay in your groups for now, keep the chatter to a minimum but let me know where you are. Goes double for those of you on your own."
Now she's going to start looking for signs of life.
"Holy fuck, this is even worse than being on fucking Sidewinder. Jesus!" And then with a large spike in the power output of his armor's fusion generator, the heat kicked on, and he sighed in relief. "Okay, that's mostly better. Wow."
That done, he turns to his team to check that they've made it through okay and all their gear is good to go.
Oh, and the landing a foot in the air and thus narrowly avoiding falling on his skinny ass. He skids a little on the gravel, pinwheeling and damn near knocking himself out with the bat, but recovering enough to be weirded out by the muffled lack-of-noise, the deserted street, aaand the way breathing feels like knives.
Scowl. Kevin rightens himself the rest of the way and looks about as if to say 'oh, did you see all that finesse? Because that was nothing for a smooth creature such as myself.' Also, his pupils are the size of nickels.
She hugs her coat-upon-coat combination (what, it's required) around herself and waits to be told what the hell she should do. Direct combat will be a weird thing for her, but she figures she can do her best and try to tilt the odds for everyone else as well as she can. And that is, in fact, pretty well.
"Okay, kids. Just to recap, my name's Grif. We'll be starting off with a little stroll through the city, getting the lay of the land and seeing what's out there. Stick with me, and if you spot anything, make sure to say something. And I mean 'say' something, even if it's quietly into the radio. No hand signal bullshit." To demonstrate, he does his own little bit of hand signaling, which everyone on the other side of the fourth wall has probably has been waiting for: (you) (fuck-heads) (we) (have) (radios).
"Also, Ana, I haven't been told just what your deal is, but I'm guessing it's not shooting a gun, so don't feel bad about doing whatever it is you do from behind cover." He actually means 'hiding behind those of us with shields,' but is trying to be less condescending than that sounds. "And you," he continues, pointing at Kevin, "don't go charging off. Stick with the group, make them come to you. Got it?"
Meanwhile, it is perhaps a testament to the fact that even though he is made of sullen, he does at least intend to follow what Grif is saying as long as it doesn't involve not touching stuff in that he doesn't say anything such as how he doesn't know how to signal for 'crazy deathwolves' anyway.
All of this is good. It means Grif won't sit on him! Hopefully! Aaaanyway, he tugs his hat further down over his ears and clutches his bat, looking sideways at Ana a little. "I'm Kevin, I mean, I know Grif already said and everything, and I know this really sucks, but...hi."
For starters, it shouldn't eat her alive! ...ideally. She's got quite the thick Eastern European accent, but it shouldn't make her incoherent (and actually lessens during extreme stress, as she forces herself to enunciate), so that's good, at least. She glances back at Kevin, and doesn't smile, or anything, but she tries to look marginally less like...uh, a constantly annoyed ice queen. The appellation of 'ice queen' is somehow much funnier when applied to this setting. Anyway.
"Hi. I will not slow us down." She feels this is a good thing to promise right off the bat.
"Okay. I'm a little curious about how magic's different from magic, but now's not really the time. Good to know, in any case, thanks."
Her promise not to slow them down is also accepted with positive noises as Grif continues his quick survey, his armor mapping out the area while attempting to get a radio signal out to whatever positioning satellites this world might have. He's not especially sanguine about that, but it's worth a shot. In the meantime, having seen what there is to see, he picks what looks like a good direction to start at and draws his plasma rifles, one in each hand.
"Come on. Let's get going." He leads them out, one eye on his motion tracker, expecting the two yellow friendly blips of their radios following him and watching out for any red blips that might indicate approaching enemies.
First thing he does when he's got his feet firmly under him is produce his life signs detector. Apparently Mack and Threnody are on a similar wavelength today; let's all take a moment to be mildly terrified by that.
Mostly, he's quiet and attentive, waiting for orders, keeping an eye out for any weirdness. You know, beyond the apocalyptic weather. Also... fucking freezing, even through his layers of clothing.
He's still and quiet, himself, aside from keeping an eye on the life sign detector in his (gloved, you better believe) hand. Not really a small-talk kind of guy in these situations; when there are orders to be given, he'll give 'em. Until then...
"Will do. Any of y'all see Cliff or Ginger, y'let me know," is his only message over the radio. It's not a question, either. Cliff, he's decided, is something he'll take care of. And he's damn certain he's going to find his sister.
Hitting the Umbra, no matter how tempting, is something he's decided is a fairly Bad Idea. Time to set off in a likely direction and see what he can sniff out.
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