Jun 12, 2010 03:13
I had a friend... my very first friend when I moved to Seattle. We had a short little run at dating, but ended up better as friends. He's married now, and while we don't talk on the phone or anything, we keep in touch occasionally online. I've tried to see him the last couple times I visited Seattle, but he's always had an excuse not to go out. He's flaky to say the least, and the kind of douchebag who has to mark you on his calendar months in advance just to grab a sandwich. He's the most unfriendly, alienated person I've ever met, but I liked him because, well, I pretty much like everyone. I'm a warm person and proud of it.
He's been on my Facebook for quite a while, but I haven't been particularly active in commenting. Today I checked out his profile, "liked" a video he posted and left comments on a few pics. (very silly comments... nothing that could be interpreted as offensive by any stretch of the imagination)
So what does he do? He takes me off his fucking Facebook. Why? Maybe because a "like" was too much confrontation for his pansy ass to handle. Maybe because he's socially retarded but his rainy, glum, cliquish environment reinforces such ineptitude. It makes me so sad that in this big, beautiful world full of different people with different life experiences and personalities, there are those who would rather live in a box with one or two others and reject all other human interaction. I sent him this message when I saw he'd taken me off. (if only I had known acknowledging his Facebook page would be a sensory overload for his isolated brain! I hope he makes a full recovery from the neural failure)
So much for long distance friendships. I'm glad I met some decent people in Seattle so I know that even though you're slightly representative of the overall coldness of the culture, you're more an exception than a rule. I love that you add me as a friend and as long as I ignore you it's fine, but when I make a silly comment on your soccer player twin's pic and "like" your Obama video you take me off your list. I'm really glad you found someone who lives in your impersonal, unfriendly world with you. I'm sure you'll have a great life judging anyone who tries to be friendly to you. It's so sad that people have become so alienated. When I see you and your wife in pictures, I don't see a happy couple living amongst society. I see two selfish people living amongst themselves. The world is devolving, with some of us trying to uphold the values and connections that make us human while others reject human interaction, confrontation, emotion, and common decency. I feel like I should hug a stranger every day from now on just to counteract your existence. Goodbye.
What a sad world we live in. To all who read this... please hug someone today, or smile at someone, or ask a stranger where they're from. We have to fight the alienation revolution. We can't let the world become a series of glass boxes, each containing one or two people and a bottle of hand sanitizer.